There are signs of encouragement and life returning to the economy. The unemployment rate is a factor that usually lags behind other indicators, so that’s still very discouraging, but there are hints of better days to come. How should we react during the waiting times like this? Let me offer a few suggestions:
- Now is time to dream.
- Now is the time to plan next steps.
- Now may be the time to start adding strategic staff.
- Now is certainly the time to be preparing for the economies return to strength.
As discouraged and stretched as your organization may have been in the last 12 months or so, the economy will recover and your organization needs to be prepared when it does. When people start spending money again they will want some new and exciting ideas to of where to spend it. They will be cautious and want value for their dollar, probably more than in recent years, but let’s not forget, most of our consumers will still be Americans, so they will want it NOW.
Will you be ready? What steps are you taking now to prepare for the recovery period?
(Also, this post sounds like it’s geared strictly for the business world, and I’m sometimes guilty of living in my past, but this principle works for churches and non-profits also.)
Ron, this is very insightful and forward-looking. Love it! And I’ll be thinking about how to apply it.