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10 Things Still on my “To Do” List

By July 31, 2008July 17th, 2009Family, Life Plan, Marriage, Uncategorized

I’m on vacation. It’s been too long since Cheryl and I got away for some extended time to relax. I’m not good at relaxing, and for me, sometimes relaxing is being free to think about what I want to think about. (So quit responding negatively to my Twitters about my thinking!) Anyway, Cheryl and I are accomplishing a goal. We’ve traveled now to every corner of the great USA together. She and I had both been here previously, but never together. (I’ll blog some pictures later.)

I have other things on my “Still To Be Done List”. Here are the first ones to come to mind:

1. Write a fiction book.

2. Sky dive.

3. Live in a city of over 1,000,000 people.

4. Live in a city with less than 10,000 people.

5. Travel Africa.

6. Do mission work in Africa.

7. Travel Asia.

8. Do mission work in Asia.

9. Develop patience (Notice that’s near the bottom. If I never get there…oh well…)

10. Wrestle a bear. (Okay, I’m just kidding about that one. Sort of.)

What’s in your “Still To Do” list? I’d love to hear from you.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Join the discussion 6 Comments

  • Frank Lombardo says:

    1. Hanglide off La Jolla California
    2. Golf TPC Sawgrass
    3. Kayak the entire Mississippi
    4. Walk the streets of New York
    5. Motorcycle to Canada
    6. Boat from New Orleans to San Diego via the Panama Canal
    7. See the Superbowl in a sky box.
    8. Base jump the Golden Gate Bridge
    9. Go surfing in Africa
    10. Love Stacy more than I do.

  • Ron says:

    Lori and Renee. You two are so much alike. Seriously. If you don’t know each other you should meet one Sunday. You are both awesome people.

  • Renee Garcia says:

    Hmmm I like Karla’s number 10! 🙂
    Let’s see…

    1. Go to Austria so I can see where the Von Trapps lived (I know, I’m such a GIRL).
    2. Go on a honeymoon with my husband since we had to cancel ours last minute… almost 10 years ago. I’m not bitter. Much.
    3. Live long enough to see someone find the cure for cancer.
    4. Talk to as MANY pregnant women as possible who have a prenatal diagnosis of Down syndrome and let them know how awesome life can be. 90% abortion rate… UGH!!
    5. Dream house, yes my dream house… with a HUGE bathroom counter with 2 sinks… and a separate bathroom for the kids… and a front porch! haha
    6. Win the lottery. (Kidding… sort of)
    7. Write a book… still debating on non-fiction story of life raising a child with Down syndrome… or a non-fiction story just based on Kennedy’s life OR I have a fiction story all plotted out in my head. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, it will move you! (I hope!)
    8. Start a program at a church for individuals with special needs… I have SO many ideas… so little time!
    9. Go back to school and take some photography classes.
    10. Hit 2,000 hits a day on my blog. I’m right around 1,000 now… it can happen. Right?! HA!

  • Lori says:

    1. Learn how to twitter
    2. See New York City
    3. Begin a non-profit adoption ministry
    4. Hold a Bible Study for women who have been in abusive marriages.
    5. Live in my dream home
    6. Read the entire Bible
    7. Open a restaurant
    8. Find better solutions for parents with adult handicapped children.
    9. Have a flower garden around my entire back yard.
    10. Take a one week vacation with David with no worries of the kids.

  • Ron says:

    You have a great listKarla. I may need to update mine now. Also I have a secret list too.

  • Karla Akins says:

    What a great idea! Here’s my list that I am comfortable publishing. I have a secret list, too.

    1. Live in Israel — even if it’s just for a few months
    2. Travel the Middle East
    3. Be successful enough to feed countless hungry and orphaned children
    4. Tour Canada on my motorcycle
    5. Tour all 50 states on my motorcycle
    6. Live on a boat
    7. Build my dream house with plenty of closets and storage 😉
    8. Do mission work in Europe both east and west
    9. Write full time
    10. Start a developmental center for children with disabilities