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Saturday’s Dream Stretch: Place To Visit

For the next few weeks, I’m going to be encouraging dream Saturdays. I have often believed that dreaming is a healthy exercise. I think God encourages big dream.

How can anyone read this verse and not have their imagination do a little stretching?

However, as it is written: “No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind has conceived what God has prepared for those who love him” 1 Corinthians 2:9

I believe dreams help us heal from negative emotions, stretch our imagination, and encourage us in the midst of difficult times.  Sure dreams alone won’t solve the problems we face, but they may help point us towards a positive direction…and who knows…we may just head our life towards attaining some of them.

So, here’s the deal. I will throw out a dream category and you share your dream with a comment. (I know some of you read these from Facebook and it’s easier to share the comment there, but I hope you’ll take the time to share them on the blog, so those that don’t read via Facebook can read them also.)

This weeks dream stretcher:

If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go?

(Keep in mind, this is a dream, so stretch your mind….in dream world there is no limits of finances, time, or physical restraints.)

Share your answer now then check back to see where others are dreaming of visiting.

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Ron Edmondson

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Ron- Anytime I can get myself in a National Park this is my idea of bliss. I really want to visit New Zealand at some point in my life as well. But the dream..that is to go for a whole month and see all of their national parks in country.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
I want to go to Australia! Hopefully I can save enough to make it there next year. It's been a dream for almost 7 years!
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
SINCE IT IS A DREAM, I would got to Pakistan one last time.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Three months in Australia, go everywhere, see everything.

Then Italy, Great Britain (must do some kind of Doctor Who tour), France.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
Where I want to go: Chile, Athens, South Africa, China, and Germany (for now).

Where I want to go again: Turkey, India, and Spain.

Love dreaming of travel, learning cultures and seeing other landscapes!
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
I have given this as a writing assignment for my high school English students--now it's my turn. I would love to travel up and down the Atlantic Seaboard and visit the historical places located there. I love the Atlantic Ocean and being reminded of how our country came into being would be wonderful.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
Tulum, Mexico, in a rented house on the beach, reading in my palapa.
3 replies · active 786 weeks ago
Would love a week long ski trip to Whistler, Vancouver BC. Followed closely by a Spring hike through the Scottish Highlands....
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
Australia and New Zealand! I would love to scuba dive/snorkel along the Great Barrier Reef and see all the beautiful scenery and wildlife amidst the Reef. And to see all the lovely scenery of New Zealand.

And Japan and South Korea. Japan because it's so technologically advanced! And South Korea is where I was born (I'm adopted) =]
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
My dream vacation would be atleast 2 weeks in Austrila...
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
William B. Howell's avatar

William B. Howell · 786 weeks ago

My dream vacation is a week, regardless of where I am at, of being totally free of thoughts regarding my job. Since that probably isn't going to happen, I would say going back to the Island of Kauai, Hi. Hard to beat that place.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
My dream vacation is an around the world trip. Of course, this would include much air time but also some cruises. Some of my stops would include England, Spain, France, Israel (again), Egypt, Australia, New Zealand, parts of Africa, Brazil (again), Argentina, Panama, then to Hawaii and lastly fly to Alaska for a cruise and then home. After arriving home I woul check into a hospital for treatment and recuperation.

If I could not do the around the world thing, I could be content with a month with my wife on a private beach in th CAribbean somewhere.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
I would love to go to Israel, Italy and/or Australia. Since this is my dream I will be going to all three! :)
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
I'd head to the gulf coast of Mississippi and stay in an old house along the gulf. Spend some time writing and just watching the waves.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
Jennifer Jones's avatar

Jennifer Jones · 786 weeks ago

As much as I would REALLY love a trip to Europe, my dream would be to visit the National Parks in America. I love to travel America and I love our National Parks!!
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I would go to India. The Lord has been convicting me of so much and a visit there for a month would be good perspective.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
Hey Ron,
For us Baldwin's it would be Telunas Beach on Suggi Island in Indonesia. We have been there twice. It's like no other place.
A close 2nd would be the Bali Desa Suites on Bali also in Indonesia. I could live in that place.
We are digging out of 24 inches of snow so this was a great post to make us think of other places.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago

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[...] of posts I will do for the next several Saturdays on dream stretching. You can read that post HERE. I believe dreaming is a healthy practice, because it stretches the mind and imagination and keeps [...]
I would love to visit England, Scotland, France, Germany, Israel, Jordan - especially Petra, and Egypt. As a couple, I would love to take my wife for a tour of the South Pacific...
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago

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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ron Edmondson, Ron Edmondson, Ron Edmondson, Ron Edmondson, Ron Edmondson and others. Ron Edmondson said: Time to Dream Saturday’s Dream Stretch begins now Play along [...]
Suzanne Goff's avatar

Suzanne Goff · 785 weeks ago

Anyplace that is geographically and naturally magnificent that I've seen pictures of - like Bali, or New Zealand, or Alaska.
1 reply · active 785 weeks ago

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