Sometimes we keep doing what we are doing because God called us to do it, not because we are popular, the work is easy, or even that we are being well received at the time. Being obedient to the call of God is sometimes painful, unpopular, difficult, and seemingly unrewarded (at the time).
Recently some friends of ours 12-year-old pug was lost in their neighborhood. The dog has numerous health problems, so they naturally assumed the worst. They were obviously upset about it and asked us to pray. Thankfully a few days later they found their pug. I wanted to share the story of how their 3-year-old son reacted to the dog’s disappearance.
Please know this, God will allow times of struggle greater than YOUR ability to handle it. He allows these times so that you might learn to fully and completely rely on Him. Apart from Him you and I can do nothing. When you and I learn that principle and live accordingly we will be free to experience His power, which is perfected in our weakness.
That is, until the morning came. The night before it was dark. I couldn’t see fully what I was doing. There was one bracket holding the light in place that when moved, made the headlight one of the easiest to change I have ever experienced. I’m driving his truck this week as he drives mine, so I’m thankful for the headlight.
Last Sunday I preached a message on the difference in having circumstantial faith and in trusting God completely even when everything around us screams otherwise. (You can watch that HERE.) Cindy Winters, the widow of Reverend Winters, is a perfect example of this kind of steady faith. She takes a tragedy and uses it as an opportunity to share her faith in Jesus Christ! Wow! Listen to her story. She gives the recipe of going through the worst times of life.
I met with a couple today that is going through one of those waiting times on God. I could sense the tension developing in them as their patience, and literally their faith, is stretched. I could easily identify with their situation, because I have personally been there many times.
What should you do when it feels like God has forgotten you. Here are 7 things to remember or do in those times when God appears silent.
My heart goes out to the family of Dr. Fred Winters, pastor of First Baptist Church, Maryville, IL. According to news reports a gunman killed him in the middle of services at his church this morning. Read a news report HERE.
I have heard from so many people who are afraid or worried this week. You may need to hear my message from last Sunday. You can listen HERE.
What are you most afraid of today? Could a greater faith help you rise above that fear?
Are you going through a difficult time?
Are you wondering when God will come through for you?
Are you curious what God is up to?
Does it seem like He’s sometimes nowhere to be found?
Are you struggling with what you don’t have or with things you feel you have missed out on that God hasn’t provided yet? Perhaps God is just proving to you He can provide when He chooses to provide. Perhaps He is just building your faith and ability to trust Him!