Tweet This is a guest post by Shawn Lovejoy. Shawn is a friend and the Founding and Lead Pastor of Mountain Lake Church, the Directional Leader of and the…
Tweet “If it weren’t for those __________ churches…” I will never forget that statement. I was in my mid-twenties, serving on a board of the local non-profit. We were discussing…
Tweet This is a guest post by Darrell Vesterfelt. Darrell is a the president of Prodigal Magazine and church planter in West Palm Beach, Florida who believes in the power of…
Tweet I’m releasing results of a survey I conducted through my blog last month on the health of pastors or ministers. The survey is now closed, but there were 466…
Tweet I hear people use this verse for the wrong application: Exodus 14:14 “The Lord will fight for you; you need only to be still.” I’ve heard well meaning people…
Tweet I deal with dozens of pastors and ministers each month through my blog and consulting ministry. It seems to me that many are drowning in their ministry, are in…
Tweet I’ve heard many well-meaning, potentially great leaders who never achieve all they could, because their fears and doubts keep them from making hard decisions. Let me tell you from…
Tweet This is a guest post by my friend Casey Graham. Casey is one of the most innovative church leaders I know. He is passionate about Kingdom building and helping…
Tweet Dream Far reaching, seemingly impossible, worthwhile, dependent on faith and huge personal risk, with no guarantee of success. Goals Defined aspects of realizing the dream. Attainable, stretching and measurable….
Tweet People oppose you! “But I will stay on at Ephesus until Pentecost, because a great door of effective work has opened to me, and there are many who oppose…