Far reaching, seemingly impossible, worthwhile, dependent on faith and huge personal risk, with no guarantee of success.
Defined aspects of realizing the dream. Attainable, stretching and measurable.
Action steps written to systematically complete goals. Assigned, scheduled and accountable.
It won’t be easy, there may be moments of despair, disappointments and setbacks along the way…you’ll need to learn prayer and patience like never before…but sometimes breaking down the terms makes the path seem clearer. Perhaps that dream is possible after all.
What’s the dream God is birthing in your heart?
You may now want to read 7 Steps to Achieving Your Goals or 7 Reasons You May not be Achieving Your Goals.
I'm a year away from finishing my Master's in Counseling. The dream is to open my own counseling center for children and teens where I live now because there are NO Christian Counseling centers in the entire region, but honestly, I'm struggling with that right now. I have no support system up here (there aren't a whole lot of Christians to begin with) and that's not going to be a good situation in this line of work. So my prayer right now is: Do I stay or do I go? If I stay, I need friends and solid people for support and accountability. If I go, where?
I'd finish the degree and see how doors open over the next year.
That's the plan.