I am frequently interviewed by students who are in leadership classes. Occasionally, I feel the questions may be of interest to others. Recently, a Christian student in Ohio asked me these questions:
What makes a good leader?
The ability to attract people to follow and the vision, discipline, and wisdom to take them somewhere. Good leaders are willing to sacrifice of themselves to help people accomplish something of value, which they may not be willing or know how to do on their own.
How have you grown as a leader over your lifetime?
Experience, both good and bad and the investment of others in my life. I’m a wisdom seeker.
What mentor has influenced you most and why?
Without a doubt, Jesus. He is the ultimate leader. His principles of servitude, intentionality and vision are unmatched. In an earthly sense, my high school principal took a special interest in me while I served as president of the student body my senior year.
How important is character in leadership?
I’m not sure one can separate the two. I certainly understand most of the definitions for leadership would allow a person of poor character to be called a leader, but my personal opinions won’t allow it. Certainly to be “great” leadership, one would need to desire to be a person of noble character.
What would be your advice to me as to how I can grow as a leader?
The best advice I can give is to find something to lead. Volunteer at church or in the community. Most organizations need more willing leaders and the best way to learn leadership is to do it. Also, do what you are doing now. Become an intentional wisdom-seeker. Surround yourself with people who you believe are leading well. Ask a good leader to mentor you. Read the books and blogs that talk about leadership.
I once wrote a post about reasons you may not be leading and what to do about it HERE.
What should I avoid to be a good leader?
Avoid the temptation to settle for mediocre. It’s easy to lead the mundane, lackluster, or half-hearted efforts. Leading at higher levels is hard. It’s messy, because it involves change, risk, and fear. Push through those things, ground yourself in Scripture and in accountability to others, build discipline in your life, and you’ll keep improving as a leader.
How would you have answered these questions?
Leadership has been described as “a process of social influence in which one person can enlist the aid and support of others in the accomplishment of a common task" from wiki.
Yes I agree with some of leadership qualities. Leader must avoid the temptation.
Leadership Questionnaire
Ron! Thanks for the fresh insights on leadership this morning. Good way to start my weekend. I agree with your profound thoughts on leadership.
I believe that a leader is one who is able to —
• attracts & optimizes talent and uses them at their highest point of contribution
• creates an intense environment that requires people’s best thinking and work
• extends challenges (and is intent on defining opportunity that causes people to stretch)
• instills accountability and gives other people the ownership for results
Thank you Uma. I was just talking about you with a girl who is pursuing opportunities to teach English in India or other countries in the area.
So kind ofyou Ron! Being mindful ofme. <DIV> <DIV id=SkyDrivePlaceholder></DIV> From: [email protected]: [email protected]: ronedmondson replied to your comment on A Leadership Questionnaire
I agree most with the last one; a good leader should see the potential and be able to lead beyond it. If they are willing to settle, they have done far more harm than what caused this mediocrity. All that need happen, for Evil to triumph, is for Good men to do nothing !
That's a great point. I love your last sentence too 🙂