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7 Ways to be a Prolific Blogger

I’m often asked how I manage to blog as often as I do. I’ve been referred to as a “prolific blogger”. I’ll be honest, I had to look up the word prolific to make sure I was okay with being one 🙂 , but I guess I do “produce many works” as the definition contends.

It may not be as difficult as it seems. I’ve been “prolific” in daily writing for over 15 years. You can read my “prolific” daily devotional writings HERE.

Here are 7 ways to be a prolific blogger:

Look for one thought – I’m not trying to teach multiple principles in a post; just one. That makes it easier for me. I can turn one tweet into a blog post that way, or a Bible verse, because I’m only looking for one main idea. It could be from something I experience, something I read, something I hear, or just a random thought. Some days, I have more than one thought. Guess what? That’s more than one blog post that begins on those days. 🙂

Keep every thought – If you know one thought can be expanded into a blog post, why not keep every thought? Makes sense, doesn’t it?

Keep thoughts convenient – One reason I use Evernote is so I always have easy access to the thoughts I have. In days past, this was a notebook. With Evernote, every thought goes into a separate notebook (file). When a new idea about the thought comes to me, I can instantly add to my file. Before long, I have a complete blog post. (You can find my eBook on Evernote HERE.)

Discipline – You had to know that was part of it, right? If you decide you want to be a regular blogger, you’ll have to set aside some time to blog. I do this usually late at night (hence the occasional typos), or sometimes early in the morning.

Repeat – Don’t be afraid to go back to the same idea you wrote about previously. I’ve written about forgiveness many times. The subject of delegation never gets old. I believe I could write about ways to be a good leader everyday. If the subject is still a current subject, it’s fair game to write about again.

Practice – It gets easier over time. It really does. Just like with exercise or healthy eating, once it becomes a part of a daily routine, I’m much more likely to complete it.

Risk – I realize whenever I post something, that it may or may not be a reader’s favorite. I can’t wait until I believe it will be my most popular post ever. In fact, I never know, but I go with my gut, post my thoughts, and let the readers decide.

If you’re still timid about being a blogger, you may want to read my post entitled, “The Way to Guarantee NO ONE Reads Your Blog Post“.

Are you a blogger? What tips do you have?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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I think the risk thing has been the key for me. So often I force myself to hit the publish button because I just need to ship something. I wonder if people will love it or whether I'll see a flood of unsubscribe notifications. But amazingly, the posts I think are mediocre sometimes end up hitting people and being really powerful to them.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
You are so right. My best posts were often perceived by me initially to be nothing special.
I think discipline is very important. Blogging adds work to your life, you have to be discipline to fit it all in and do it well. Thanks, Ron.
I really needed this. I'm a prolific writer, but I almost never hit the Publish button because I'm also a perfectionist. I'll write a draft, then walk away from it, knowing it's not perfect and there are probably typos (and that's unacceptable for an editor like me, cause after all a potential client might read it, right?)--and later on I'll tweak it and "fix" it until I don't even like it anymore. How does one get past perfectionism?
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
You can do it. Hit publish
So, here's something that bothers me somewhat... and it's not just you :)

I sometimes think; why does someone blog? What's the point? Is it just to toss out some random idea and move on or is it to really start a conversation that may minister to someone? And yes, I realize that it depends on the person doing the blogging...I do a blog about Apple and it's products and I probably don't expect that to really minister to someone :)

So the question becomes should you post one or two or three new blogs every day and just move on or should you,at least occasionally, post one and then sit on it awhile fostering conversation? I guess that I'd like to see the latter once in a while. And I realize that we're all different and I probably won't get super involved in 7 ways to press your clothes better, but I might with the one you posted yesterday about loving your wife or marriage or things about the church . I was truly surprised that the one yesterday only generated replies from two people, although I think you may have posted this before.

But with ones that do generate some thoughtful input from others, I guess I'd like you to stop and take a day or two and do more than just say thanks or good thoughts. And we are guilty as well. We ought to be weighing in on other people's posts as well. A real conversation. And I've seen that a couple of times with your blog posts, but that is the exception to the rule.

Perhaps it's a symptom of our short-attention-span society or me-oriented society; I have 5 second and it has to be about me or I am not interested. But especially on thought provoking questions or matters of a spiritual nature (since you are a pastor), perhaps you owe it to the readers to engage them as much as possible and we owe it to you and the other posters to comment and continue the conversation. There was a forum that used to be up by the Love and Respect people that I got involved in. It wasn't truly a blog, but people would post things asking for input or prayer and others would jump in and it would be a great support spot. I was truly fed by it and I would like to think that I was able to lend support to others.

I realize that we're not your immediate flock. But I also know that many of your posts have been a sweet sweet word in a time of frustration and confusion for me and I'd like to think that has an impact for people and for the Kingdom that probably can't be measured by the number of people in the pews on Sunday or the cars in the parking lot or the money in the collection.

Keep up the good work; you're reaching more people than you know.
So, I had posted a really long reply to this and now I don't see it so...oh well. I'm not about to type it again :)

But here's the bottom line. Many of your topics have the potential to really minister to people; even those such as myself who don't live anywhere near your church. But I wish that sometimes there was more interaction; more thoughtful discussion between you and us and between we your posters. And I realize that you can't control our actions, but sometimes on some topics I think that quality is more important than quantity. Sometimes sitting on a blog for awhile may be more useful than simply moving on to the next topic.

You reach more people and do more good than you might think in ways that can't be measured by the number of people sitting at the Grace campuses on a Sunday.

thanx for your efforts to extend your ministry outside the walls of your church.
Work ahead.

I know it's really tempting to write a post and hit publish immediately, but that often leads to mistakes due to self imposed pressure.

I try to work at least 2 weeks ahead. For instance the post that went live today was written two weeks ago. It has had time to set in my que and develop. This also gives me the freedom to create things without pressure. I know that I have something shipping, so why not take my time and write something good.
I am just really starting. I find just writing things (blogging) frees me somehow. Like preaching, I have to get it said or I am going to explode! Not sure if my blogs are really any good because I don't get comments and I rarely get a re-tweets, that may simply be because I don't have the audience (followers). Never the less, it frees me to get it written. To Michael's point maybe one day I may be there but right now I just write them as they come. It has helped be tremendously to observe as many peoples blogs as I can and I have noticed that the blogger writes what is on their heart for the most part and I don't see how you can go wrong with that!
Discipline is the key for me. I am trying hard to be consistent in writing my posts.

The famous American novelist ‘Steven Pressfield’ also tells in his book 'The War of Art' that --
"The secret is this: It's not the writing part that's hard. What's hard is sitting down to write. What keeps us from sitting down is resistance.”
Good stuff. Blogging regularly is a challenge. I'm learning that, but the growth has been steady and increasing. Good things come to those who persevere.
I would consider myself a prolific blogger based on the elements you wrote about. I post 3 times a week and feel like I could do 7. I just know that I need to not do that many for a variety if reasons not the least of which is needing to have a life outside of writing. Of course, writing really can't be separated from the rest of life either. To your list I might add something about having blogging dreams. Yes, real dreams while sleeping about blogging. Seems like I think about it almost constantly because inspiration is everywhere. I simply love it!
I love the simplicity and elegance of "One Thought". I have been stymied on more than one occasion by having too many "thoughts" going on while I am working on a blog post. I am definitely going to work at this concept. I have been using Evernote as you suggest, and I heartily endorse this way of capturing and organizing ideas. I used to exclusively use a journal, but I am getting away from it more and more since I can use and sync Evernote across multiple platforms (even my iPhone) when I am truly on the move. Also, I think that you are right on about Discipline and Risk. Establishing a discipline for regular posting is huge. And with respect to Risk, I find myself having to work through all those times when my mouse pointer is poised over the PUBLISH button and I am "paralyzed" (like jumping in to a cold pool, and after the initial shock, the water is fine!) Thanks for the great ideas Ron!
Enrique Fiallo

Bi-Vocational war within! | Chris Marsh, Senior Pastor Crossover Church

[...] that we will come to know one another and hopefully network with another. I posted a comment on Ron Edmondson’s site this morning on blogging and I wrote in that comment that I was pretty sure if I write what is [...]
Good advice, Ron. Thanks for the brevity and helpful suggestions. God bless!
Thx for your help!!!:D

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