People email me everyday about how to improve their blog, how to write more, or whether they should even start a blog. There are countless “experts” always telling us how to write better blogs and what to do to increase readership. I read some of them and some of them are helpful; maybe even all of them if I had time to implement all of their strategies. Frankly, most days I do good just to get some thoughts out. (Typos and all.)
Here’s my best advice:
Start Writing!
I guarantee you no one will read your blog if you never write it. No one! Not even you would bother to do that. Not even your mother.
Have something to say? Say it!
Write it! The more you write, the better you’ll get and the more you’ll think of to say. You can’t control everyone who does or doesn’t read your blog once it is written, but you can before you write it. Write it and at least you’ll have a couple readers. That’s a start.
You and your mother love the way you write anyway.
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LOL! I love it! And so does my mom!
Thanks Darren
Thanks Melissa
I have been thinking about blogging since last November and the more I read the more I waited because the learning curve was so great. Finally, I set the date for February 1st and dove in and tomorrow will be my 5th post. Thanks for the simple yet profound advice.
Love your blog.
Twitter: fit4thabo
This is absolutely awesome. It is the first time that I read a Blog where the title makes an absolute statement and the contents prove the absolute statement. Interestingly enough, I was helping my daughter with her homework the other day and this is essentially the nightmare she is experiencing at a micro level. They are given a word to construct a sentence and she never wants to write a final answer as no sentence is ever good enough. As I said to her, “if you haven’t got a ticket, you haven’t got a chance!” She understands the concept of how the Lotto works. Thanks for being true to your title.
Thanks so much
Fun post! Like your comments on Mother loving what you write.
My Mom (she is giving Jesus a hug about now in person) used to write tons of stuff, but did nothing with it. I have piles of her writings in a box. Maybe I should start a blog and just post her stuff ! (at least I would read it)
Anyway thanks for the post, it got me thinking…
I think she would
Sigh…you are SOOO write. Spoken from a writer who is five days behind her blog. Thanks for the kick to the fingers!
Please forgive the typos in my comment above! Wow! On last edit of my second book and my mind is blitzed. But still….need to get something on the blog.
No problem
Spot on Ron and I agree with the others who suggest that this has multiple applications.
Keep writing!
Ha! Fabulous advice, Ron! Good stuff as always.
We enjoy your blogs Ron. My daughter blogs as well, it's such an interesting interaction. We actually used your term yesterday with me "guest blogging" on her page. I don't facebook, but do enjoy the blog postings as another method for me to keep up in my 'old age' world!
Much needed advice for me right now. Of late, I am not conistent in writing my posts.
LOL – you are right – "You and your mother love the way you write anyway." Loved that!! Thank you for making me laugh this morning & for the encouragement. I enjoy your posts very much.
Twitter: jonathanpearson
Great advice… not just for blogging, but a lot of things… just start!
Yea, I think it works for other applications too.