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I’m a slow learner, so some things take longer than others for me to learn. I previously posted some of these separately, but I keep learning, so here I am again.Some of these you have to learn the hard way. Some of them you may be able to glean from my experience.

Here are 30 life lessons:

  • If you have to impress the friend, he or she isn’t much of a friend.
  • “Just once” probably is a bigger deal than led to believe.
  • The sooner you decide to get your life headed in the right direction the more time you have to enjoy it.
  • There are few shortcuts to success.
  • Hard times come naturally in life…determine early to use them for God’s glory and to help others.
  • Kids grow up too fast. Enjoy them at each stage.
  • There is wisdom with age. Always be willing to learn from those who have lived and experienced more of life.
  • The longer you wait to forgive someone the longer it takes to heal your heart.
  • If you don’t act on what you feel led to do, because of fear or indecision, someone else will and you will miss the blessing.
  • More success in the world does not automatically bring more happiness, more success with the things that matter most does.
  • A “lesson in humility” teaches far more than a “ego boost”…
  • Often…in my experience…what I don’t want to do is the very thing I need to do the most…
  • The best friends sometimes say the hardest things to hear…
  • Sometimes it’s not until you give up the right to control that a breakthrough comes…
  • People are more honest with you if they can predict your reaction…
  • We hurt most the ones we love the most…
  • Very few people can really comply with “don’t tell anyone”…
  • You never get a second chance at a first impression…
  • God’s way is better than my own…
  • Rebuilding trust is more difficult than keeping established trust…
  • Don’t let any of them pass you by without learning something.
  • Stay in physical and spiritual shape throughout your life.  It is much easier to maintain than to try and get back in shape.
  • If you have a strong passion to do something, (and it is honorable) be willing to risk everything to do it.  You can always recover if you fail and, if you fail, you will learn valuable lessons in the process.  Someone once said to me, ask yourself: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail?  Do that!
  • Never quit dreaming. Dreams often fuel the best of life.
  • It goes by fast. Let me say it again, because you read that too quickly. IT GOES BY FAST!
  • Things are usually not as bad as they appear right now. Be patient, make wise decisions, and it will get better.
  • You will look back and wish you had done some things more and some things less. Figure out those what those things are now and prioritize your life accordingly.
  • Let a few people into the deepest parts of your life. Allow yourself to be vulnerable with a select few. There will be a time when this is needed.  (Trust me.)
  • Make relationship decisions carefully.
  • Above all else, guard your heart, for it affects everything you do.  (Proverbs 4:23)

Which of these resonate with you right now?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Thank you for offering so much good food for thought!

Although I write about stress management, one point you shared reall stood out in my mind:

"Things are usually not as bad as they appear right now. Be patient, make wise decisions, and it will get better."

Sure, it takes good action to make "things get better", but it's also important that we not give permanent reality to temporary situations.
Remembering that "it's not as bad as it appears", surely helps to keep the patience and strength to arrive to better things in life.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
Love the list, but an all caps LOVE is the 3rd....the sooner in the right direction, the more time to enjoy....worth repeating in all caps LOVE IT!

Keep on Blogging Ron, you are better than the news!!
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
◦Things are usually not as bad as they appear right now. Be patient, make wise decisions, and it will get better.
◦God’s way is better than my own…

Those were both resonating with me. My fiance ended our relationship five weeks ago, and while I know God has a good plan, I constantly need to be reminded of that. I'm sure many years down the road, I'll laugh at the pain I'm going through now because I will have seen how God used it to make things better. Thanks!
Dave Shannon's avatar

Dave Shannon · 682 weeks ago

If you have a strong passion to do something, (and it is honorable) be willing to risk everything to do it. You can always recover if you fail and, if you fail, you will learn valuable lessons in the process. Someone once said to me, ask yourself: What would you do if you knew you couldn’t fail? Do that!
I have been a little afraid to step out of my comfort zone. I know I can always trust God to guide me, so I am stepping out. God is faithful,..He who has begun a good work in you will surely finish it.

Thanks for the list I am going to give this out to all my 88 Twitter followers:)

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[...] 30 Life Lessons I liked a number of these modern proverbs from Ron Edmondson. [...]
Thanks Ron for these wise ideas. I am bookmarking this post for my reference at any point of time. Currently, I am finding the below lesson more resonating in my life:
"Things are usually not as bad as they appear right now. Be patient, make wise decisions, and it will get better."
How true!

this went thru my mind |

[...] * 30 Life Lessons by Ron Edmonson * The Secret to Happiness as You Get Older by Michael [...]
Just some thoughts. God-loving people stimulate me and make me eager to engage them. Intelligent people stimulate my mind and make me eager to engage them. Hard-working people who are passionate about their life calling stimulate me and make me eager to engage them. Hurting people (physical, spiritual or emotional) move me to engage them. But you pastor Edmonson have never made me feel eager to engage you on any level, though I am aware that you are intelligent, God-loving with a passion, hard working etc.. I am only eager to Listen to the next "anything" you are willing to share, and drink it in freely. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with people like me, who are thirsty. I know you are terribly missed by a whole lot of Clarksvillians, and I am one of those. No egotism, No rebellion, No deceit = Freedom - That is my answer to the above dilemma, which defines you. I just needed to share.
3 replies · active 659 weeks ago
Thanks for your comment. Not sure I understand though. Did you mean to say "But you pastor Edmonson have never made me feel eager to engage you on any level,". If so. Sorry about that.
Yes I did, but it was meant to be a compliment. I have always been able to drink in your words of wisdom without any need to engage because I understand so readily. The way you explain things makes it simple for me and I look forward to reading what you share for that reason. I am sorry for not making that more clear the first time. I hope you can understand now.
Yes, thank you very much for the encouragement!

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