I’m off today…
My “Type A” personality says I probably should be working…
I’ve been traveling a great deal lately…
I have work to do…
It’s called catching up…
But I’m off today…
Because my wife is off today…
And I love my wife…
Here’s the reality I try to live everyday…
If I don’t protect my marriage I can’t help yours…
If I don’t invest in my marriage, I can’t invest in your marriage…
If my marriage is struggling, so will my other work…
In fact, so will every part of my life…
I’m a better pastor when my marriage is strong…
So, don’t work too hard today…
I scheduled myself off…
BTW, be honest: What’s the state of your marriage today?
"BTW, be honest: What’s the state of your marriage today?
I can happily report after 28-1/2 years of marriage (31 years together in total) that it is great. Yes we have our share of stress, but it is on issues unrelated to our marriage, and there is nothing that can not be overcome or dealt with in a way that brings any harm or issue to our marriage.
As for spending the day together, being self-employed I am ALWAYS working. That said, we are spending the day together and planning lunch out as well as a class together at the Apple store.
Take time as you can! Glad for the good report!
Great futuristic advice to people who are single like me!!!
Thanks Uma
Twitter: kathyfannon
Awesome! I hope more men follow your example. Our state, besides Michigan?
Ha! I love Michigan!