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How would we lead if we led as God inspired us to lead?

What does godly leadership look like?

I put some thought into this question recently. Actually, I’ve thought about it for years.

I should tell you I believe God is okay with us using good leadership principles in the church — even business principles. He gave us a mind. He made us creative. He said He makes Himself known in all creation. And, we are told all things were created for Him and by Him. I think we can find great leadership principles — the best — and implement them in doing His work.

But, there are principles clearly spelled out in Scripture. These are simply leadership principles, but rather principles for life. And, of course, these trump all the others. In fact, all other principles are built upon the principles of God’s word. The point of this post, however, is any good life principle from God’s word is a good leadership principle — or rather — a God principle. 

So, what are some characteristics of God leadership?

Here are 10 Principles of God Leadership:

Seek God’s will before your personal desires or ambition. Matthew 6:33

Be Humble. 1 Peter 5:6

Serve others. Matthew 23:11

Walk by faith. Hebrews 11:6

Practice Patience. Romans 8:25

Consider the interest of others even above your own . Philippians 2:4

Submit to authority. Ephesians 5:21

Be Teachable — seek wisdom from others. Proverbs 4:7

Believe the impossible can happen. Luke 18:27

Empower others to do what they can do. Ephesians 4:12

What would you add to my list?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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What about
Willing to sacrifice for the good of the team
Sees the big picture
need better wording but - doesn't shy away from people who "throw stones" at their ideas
2 replies · active less than 1 minute ago
 Charles Kitner's avatar

Charles Kitner · 740 weeks ago

God always leads out of darkness into light - do the same in leading.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago

Tweets that mention 10 Characteristics of God Leadership | Ron Edmondson --

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ron Edmondson. Ron Edmondson said: 10 Characteristics of God Leadership [...]
Actually likes people.
1 reply · active 740 weeks ago
I think of 2 things that happen when growing as a leader: Rejecrion & Failure. If one can habdle these, they deal with the monster inside.

Sorry - I’m kinda fed up with today’s so called “Leadership” in Christiandumb.
Lot’s of confrences, seminars, books, and seminaries, all training so called “Leaders.”
You would think after 2,000 years we’d have it figured out - but nothing is working.
“Pastor/Leaders” are more discouraged, depressed, and leaving in greater numbers.
77% say they don’t have a good marriage. 70% battle depression and don’t have a close friend.
50% don’t last five years. 80% of pastors' spouses wish they would choose a different profession.

Sounds like a bunch of unhappy folks in that position. Doesn’t anyone ask - Why?

Seems Jesus has a unique take on “Leaders” for **His Body.** “ONE”

Jesus, in Mat 23:10 KJV, told **His disciples** “NOT” to call themselves
“Master / Leaders,” for you have “ONE” “Master / Leader” “The Christ.”

The word “Leadership” seems like a “high place.” Yes?
Jesus always took and recommended the **low place.** Yes?

As man - Jesus humbled Himself, made himself of NO reputation,
and took on the form of a **Servant.** Php 2:7-8. ;-)

ALL “His Disciples” called themselves “Servants” None called themselves “leaders.”

Characteristics of “Servants of Christ.”

1 - They are living examples of - NOT lording it over “Disciples of Christ?” 1Pet5:3
2 - They are living examples of - lowliness of mind? Phil 2:3
3 - They are living examples of - “esteeming others better” than themselves? Phil 2:3.
4 - They are living examples of - submitting “One to Another?” Eph 5:21, 1 Pet 5:5.
5 - They are living examples of - preferring others before themselves? Rom 12:10.
6 - They are living examples of - being clothed with humility? 1 Pet 5:5.
7 - They are living examples of - NOT exercising authority over “Disciples of Christ?” Mark 10:42-45.

“Leadership” is EXclusive - only available to a special few.

“Servanthood” is INclusive - available to everyone to hear “His Voice,” obey, and follow Jesus.

In my experience with “Pastor/Leaders” And being in “Leadership” shows me...

No matter how loving, eventually...
No matter how humble, eventually...
No matter how much a servant, eventually...

They will “exercise authority” and “lord it over” God’s heritage.
That’s always the beginning of “Spiritual Abuse.”

“Pastor/Leaders” = exercise authority = lord it over = abuse = always

I’m in agreement with David - The Lord is my Shepherd - Jesus...
3 replies · active 724 weeks ago
Serious about advancing the Kingdom of God
Strong Prayer life
They know just how crucial their relationship with their Heavenly Father is
Know that its God who does the calling and God who does the Equipping
Servant of God
Connecting - connecting requires active listening and its all about others
Is always active listening to others
Adds value to each person they come in contact for Jesus was all about adding Value to others
Willing to follow God no matter the cost which requires walking blindly by faith
Shows grace and mercy
Loves even the unloveable.
1 reply · active 724 weeks ago
Compassionate, loves the sinner but hates the sin, helps the poor and oppressed, redeems and sets believers free, protects the rejected of society, heavenly values, always present to save, the most loving and kind divine man that walked this earth!
1 reply · active 678 weeks ago
Great stuff! Thanks! I'm giving a speech about someone -a leader- who has influenced me and of course choose God and this article is in line with my thought process.
1 reply · active 672 weeks ago

Leadership = Influence | zvaught

[...] [...]
A gift to the body of Christ this site is. Thank you and God bless you real good.
Mark Gregory's avatar

Mark Gregory · 489 weeks ago

Still waiting for you to post a article on, "Pastor's wives having to much power in the direction and operation of the church". This is a growing problem and I hope you can provide some guidance to church elders and pastors to deal with this before more leaders resign and leave because their words and advice is over ruled by the pastors wife. I know first hand; sadly!! Thank you!!
1 reply · active 459 weeks ago

Leadership Roundup | Worship Links

[…] Ron Edmondson lists ten qualities of godly leadership: […]
11) Share the grace God gives you with others ~ As each one has received a special gift, employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God. — 1 Peter 4:10 NASB

12) Labor in the Spirit ~ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. — Philippians 4:13 NKLV

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