I threw out a Tweet last night to see what might be a good Friday discussion. I got one suggestion that we talk Christmas music. We did seem to develop quite an interest this week on favorite versions of Little Drummer Boy. Read that post HERE. Lots of Twitter and Facebook friends, however, said they weren’t fans of the song.
That prompts the questions:
What’s your favorite Christmas song? Who has the best Christmas album? Which Christmas song/album must I have that I may not even know about?
Also, what’s the one Christmas song you don’t care if you ever hear again? Any who would say they aren’t crazy about Christmas music?
Dialogue. Give your opinion. Discuss. For this Friday discussion, let’s talk Christmas music.
If you like the traditional classics, I’d love you to listen to the version of “O Holy Night” I just recorded. I’m offering it as a free download. Let me know what you think & Enjoy your holidays.
Twitter: @CharlieWMusic
http://Facebook.com/CharlieWilliamsMusic http://www.youtube.com/user/CharlieWilliamsMusic
Thanks for sharing. Always love new options.
Yea, I agree…good rendition…
“Oh Holy Night” and “Mary, Did you know” are my favorites for the season.
O Holy Night….I like Mary Did You Know, but not to listen to over and over again.
For a lot of years I would have told you that "12 Days of Christmas" was the one I could live without, then ReliantK got hold of it and it has become one of my favorites!
My favorite, I think, would have to be "All I Want For Christmas" by Steven Curtis Chapman.
Album? Todd Agnew's "Do You Hear What I Hear?" is an excellent Christmas album.
Without a doubt, my favorite (as well as my kids’ favorite) is Andrew Peterson’s “Behold the Lamb of God” album. Hearing it in concert makes it all the more richer!
Thanks for sharing….not familiar with that….
I think I have to be crazy – and I'm sure that I will be told I should be eradicated from the church – but I really get the creeps when I hear "The Little Drummer Boy". There I said it. It is NOT my favorite song. Wait – that wasn't the question.
Ahhh well….my favorite? Anything Nat King Cole – how can you not love his voice and delivery? I'm also partial to Andy Williams and Bing Crosby….and the other oldies. I'm not that old – just grew up hearing all of their music at Christmas. White Christmas, I'll Be Home for Christmas, Frosty…all Classics. But I have to say the all time most touching and inspring is Silent Night – just can't beat that one.
with that said – I think I am going to pack up the family and make them go with me to sing carols tonight.
That's okay…you don't have to like my Little Drummer Boy song… Your others are good.
love #Christmas tunes, 2 for you, #IBelieveInFatherChristmas #U2 cover http://goo.gl/PP6XR and #Gaudete http://goo.gl/QWVkc
Thanks for the link
Sufjan Stevens Christmas Album
I love the Chris Tomlin Christmas CD. Have about worn it out. On the other question, "We Three Kings" I can live the rest of my life without hearing again.
Does Kari Jobe have a Christmas one?
That's the CD I'm listening to the most
The one song I don't ever want to hear again is the barking dog doing Jingle Bells. UGH!
Yea…with you
Nat King Cole's The Christmas Album Song is my favorite album/CD. The Christmas Song and O Holy Night are my favorite songs from that album. Yolanda Adams does the best version of "It Came Upon a Midnight Clear" ever.
I also enjoy Vince Guaraldi Trio's "A Charlie Brown Christmas" Album/CD. His original song, "Chrismas Time is Here" is a wonderful song.
My former radio partner, wrote about him here: https://ronedmondson.com/2010/11/week-of-thank… says every Christmas in his house starts with Nat King Cole!
My favorite Christmas Album is a collection of carols sung by the Scottish National Orchestra Chorus, called "The Holly and The Ivy." You can buy it here:
The entire album is magnificent but some of my very favorite songs are:
1) Love Came Down at Christmas
2) Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day
3) The Holly and The Ivy
I like the older carols compared to the newer, 20th Century Christmas songs. What strikes me as odd about so many of modern Christmas songs is how little many of them have to do with Christ's Mass / Christ's Birth.
– Jeff
Not familiar with it. Thanks for the link.
I love all kinds of Christmas music (except Little Drummer Boy lol).
Harry Connick’s “I Pray On Christmas” is a great one. I really like that he has written some of his own new Christmas songs.
The MWS/Sandi Patti version of The Christmas Waltz is really good.
I like the Amy Grant version of Winter Wonderland – it’s just done very straight; the band is great. That song always sparks my imagination, and (a sign of a great song) it always ends too soon!
Ha! No LDB! That's okay, I like your other selections!
Mark Roberts has a good post about a new Christmas album he likes. I listened to some samples on Itunes and Pandora, and they're not bad!
Mark's blog: http://blog.beliefnet.com/markdroberts/2010/11/re…
Thanks for sharing the link!
I use to sing in a trio and we prepared an entire Christmas program one year. We loved Point of Grace and selected a few of their songs (as we always did-Christmas or not). On one of our performances (in our home Church), after we finished singing the song, I returned to my seat in the congregation and became overwhelmed with emotion-I sat sobbing, reflecting over the birth of our divine savior! Our sound (blend) was so amazing, there was no doubt God had placed the three of us together! We remain friends today and one of them is having a pace maker installed this morning. Please be in prayer for her (and her family). I can't image God would be finished with her witness on earth just yet (she's extremely young). Thank you so much for letting me share.
Thanks for sharing that. Love stories!
Mariah Carey singing “Jesus, What a Wonderful Child” and “O Holy Night”. When she sings the first one, I get save all over again (lol). Best Christmas album ever. The only one I allow this early in the season.
It’s also hard to beat “I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas”!
I'll check it out…Thanks
This Christmas by Donny Hathaway is great. I still like Wham's Last Christmas. Also, Kenny Rogers and Dolly Parton singing Christmas without You is a secular Christmas song that is romantic. Finally, I enjoy anything Trans Siberian Orchestra does with Christmas music.
I'm learning new songs…thanks for sharing.
"Oh Holy Night" sung by John Berry. Best version of that song, ever.
Not familiar with it, but perhaps my favorite Christmas song. Thanks
I love The Little Drummer Boy. My dad had a record that he used to play when I was a kid, and I think it was Harry Belafonte singing The Little Drummer Boy. I loved it, and still do – the story of a boy who is poor and has nothing to give the Christ Child but his song, which turns out to be exactly the right thing. Inspiring. It felt magical to me as a child growing up seeking Jesus in a secular home.
I also like, "Mary, Did you know?" It makes my momma-heart cry almost every time I hear it.
I love it too…as I discovered from my previous post, you either do or you don't…
And I do think listening to "Mary, Did you Know?" would have a different experience for a mother.
Johnny Mathis, Frank Sinatra, The Carpenters – those are my favorites because I grew up listening to their versions of Christmas songs. I don't like it when artists take great liberties with Christmas songs just to make it original. Best secular Christmas song is "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year". My favorite Christmas song that's in the hymnal is "Joy to the World". Love all Christmas songs in the hymnal!
All oldies but goodies…I like it. Thanks
Haven't thought of that one in a while. Thanks
White Christmas!
As a worship leader – or for that matter, anyone involved in planning the Sunday morning programming – it seems like we work so far ahead that by the time Christmas roles around, I'm listening to new Easter music! And I personally have become jaded by every artist – of any faith – marketing an album of "new" Christmas music. I've found some solace however in Sirius channel 4 – classic sounds of the season – Dean, Bing, Frank, et al crooning the old songs and hymns. Love it!
Our church has a long standing tradition of singing "Silent Night" by candlelight at the conclusion of our Christmas Eve services. Because the advent season is so hectic for us, that song seems to signal the beginning of Christmas for me. Maybe it's because then, I can begin to relax a little…
You're right. It's kind of like working in retail too…did that one for years
Now Behold The Lamb – Kirk Franklin