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Friday Discussion: Spiritual Growth

It’s Friday discussion time!

Let’s discuss spiritual growth…specifically yours.

I’m always interested in spiritual growth, because…well…that’s kind of what I do!

Help me by telling me some of your spiritual growth process.

To help you think, consider answering some or all of these questions:

  • Are you closer to God today than you were a year ago?
  • If not, what changed?
  • Is yes, what did you do differently?
  • What helps you most to grow spiritually?
  • Was there a time in your life where you felt the closest to God?
  • Who is mostly responsible, in your opinion, for your spiritual growth?
  • Do you practice any spiritual disciplines, such as Bible reading, prayer, fasting, tithing, etc.? If so, what do you do?
  • What changes would you need to make to grow more spiritually?

Help me out…tell me about your spiritual growth…


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Ron Edmondson

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That's a hard and awesome prayer. Thanks Rick
I've been a Christian for over 30 years. I'd always felt that I had a good relationship with God. I tithed, attended church, prayed, never was greedy in what I asked for, and was always thankful for even the smallest thing.

But apparently I was missing a lot. I wasn't faithful in reading scripture or a devotional and worship was good, but not great. I never really full trusted Him for all my provisions, even though He always provided. As the years went on I started to see abundant provision start to decline into barely enough provision. My job became less and less fulfilling, financial stresses increased and my attitude towards my wife started to get really bad. In some ways she fed this by not showing me the respect and love I deserved as her husband, but ultimately the things that brought my marriage crashing down around me were my fault.

I was much like Peter trying to walk on the water. I took my eyes off Him and I started to drown. He reached down and pulled me back onto the boat. During the last two years, I see where I have started to love Him better, read the scripture almost daily as well as do devotionals, I trust in Him more (although I'm still working on that), my attitude towards my wife is so much better (even though her love for me is gone at the moment), worship is such a deeper experience and I can see His hand more clearly. My marriage is still not restored and I long for that daily, finances are "better", but still not nearly as good as they were 15 years ago. The job is still frustrating, but at least I am learning to be content and I am thankful to have a job.

Bottom line is that I believe that I have grown so much spiritually over these last two years. I find great joy in just being. Yes, I miss my wife and her smile and touch, but that's OK... it's His plan. And the spiritual growth that I've experienced has been worth the pain.
1 reply · active 731 weeks ago
Thanks Jon. Lots of "pain" answers today.
Karen Haring's avatar

Karen Haring · 731 weeks ago

The truth is, I am pretty much a dumb sheep. I tend to grow closer to God in the midst of trials. And when things are difficult, it's easier to pray and seek God and cry out to Him. When things are easy, I tend to forget...

These past two years have been filled with life crises in several close friends' lives. I have learned to cry to God in a new way; to ask for bigger things in bolder ways; to pray without ceasing. I pray God's Word, and it's really increased my faith and strengthened my trust in Him. Crying out to Him in desperation, and praying specific promises for needs I see around me, has deepened my relationship both with Him and others.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
I think many of us do...I feel like the dumb sheep many times.
Karen Haring's avatar

Karen Haring · 731 weeks ago

I've also found myself fasting more than ever, mostly again related to specifically praying for those around me. It's been something that's helped humble me to depend on God more. I don't really view it as a "to do" thing; it springs more out of desperation.
1 reply · active 731 weeks ago
John 13: 34-35 is the lynchpin to my walk with Christ. My testing and growth always come with loving other people.
1 reply · active 731 weeks ago
I like it Laurinda! Thanks!
Good insight. Thanks
Truth is I may have grown the most through a season when I didn't feel close to God at all. Some call it a "dark night." I see growth as seasonal, usually beginning God interrupting our status quo with a call, trial or something we can only see in hindsight. We go through a process of giving up on our plans, methods and strategies to experience God in new ways. We also discover more of who he created us to be. We enjoy our new life in the new world for a while... until it becomes the status quo again. Sound familiar?
To help you think, consider answering some or all of these questions:

* Are you closer to God today than you were a year ago? I don't know if i really but it sure feels like it some days......
* If not, what changed?
* Is yes, what did you do differently? hubs and i have been consistently joyfully reading and journaling together of a morning for probably at least 7 years
* What helps you most to grow spiritually? our mornings begun with Him together, sharing and then praying through out the day. recently we have added 'i will' statements to the mornings
* Was there a time in your life where you felt the closest to God?
* Who is mostly responsible, in your opinion, for your spiritual growth? anyone who pointed me to Him...asked me questions, poked me, prodded me to go deeper myself
* Do you practice any spiritual disciplines, such as Bible reading, prayer, fasting, tithing, etc.? If so, what do you do?
* What changes would you need to make to grow more spiritually?

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