I was thinking about successful leadership recently…actually, I think about the subject a lot… I guess because I want to be a successful leader and, because I know so many “leaders” who think they are, but aren’t successful. You know the kind…. I talk weekly to ministers serving on church staffs around the country who are struggling with the leadership of the church where they serve, mainly because of the leadership…or lack thereof…coming from senior leadership in the church. Perhaps you understand…
I decided, since I have such awesome Twitter followers…and most people have an idea of what they think successful leadership looks like…that I’d put the subject to the test. I simply asked: What does successful leadership require?
I primed the pump…so-to-speak…with these suggestions:
Successful leadership requires:
- intentionality…
- humility…
- courage…
- ingenuity…
- discipline…
- risk-taking…
My Twitter friends responded generously with these additions:
Successful leadership requires:
- discipleship…
- love for God and for those we are leading.
- passion…
- strength to do what is necessary to do…
- a servant’s heart…
- discernment…
- tenacity…
- authenticity…
- faith…
- grace…
- perseverance…
- love…
- vision and an organized plan of attack…
- perceptive and generous historians…
- followers…
- creating room for others to step into leadership…
- service…
- influence…
- the ability to act and listen with humility…
- sacrifice…
- patience…
- coffee…
- understanding of self…
- understanding your team’s strengths and managing to those…not weaknesses…
- clarity of purpose…
- earning & maintaining the trust of your followers…
- servant’s heart…
- partnership…
- dedication…
- vision…
- commitment…
- reaching for perfection and accepting flawed execution…
- wisdom…
- being called…
- brokenness…
- movement…
- compassion…
- a big heart…
- total dependence on God…
- knowing where he is going and takes others with him…
- strategic thinking….
- empowerment…
- big dreams…
- forward thinking…
- dealing with criticism…
- the ability to forgive and not hold grudges…
I’m sure there are many others…what would you add?
Successful leadership requires ___________.
Twitter: tijuanabecky
I think it's a combination of all of them. Good stuff.
I was thinking of :The ability to grow. If you can't grow, where are you leading to?
Yes, I love it! Definitely
I would add the ability to laugh at ourselves and the ability to inject humor into stressful situations. Sometimes, when things get too tense we have to be able to laugh and siphon off some of that steam. Certainly I don't mean that we laugh at inappropriate times…but, a little levity can really serve to smooth out rough work place seas.
That's great…I agree totally.
I would add to the leadership list. . . faith-filled, passionate, biblical prayer
Absolutely. Thanks