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7 Examples of Shallow Leadership

By October 17, 2018October 22nd, 2018Church, Leadership

Growing in our leadership abilities, including growing in the knowledge of leadership and the relational aspect of leadership, should be a goal for every leader.

Sadly, in my experience, many leaders settle for a sort of status quo leadership rather than stretching themselves to continually improve. They settle for mediocre quality of leading, fathering than attempting the hard work of leadership excellence. They remain oblivious to the real health of their leadership and the organizations they lead. They may get by – people may say things are “okay” leaders, but no one would call them exceptional leaders.

I have often referred to this style of leadership as shallow leadership.

Perhaps you’ve seen this before or maybe you’ve been guilty of providing shallow leadership. For seasons, at least, I am not too proud to admit I certainly have.

If you’re still wondering what shallow leadership looks like, let me offer some suggestions.

7 characteristics of shallow leadership:

Thinking your idea will be everyone’s idea. You assume everyone is on the same page with you. You think everyone thinks like you. That’s because you’ve stopped asking questions of your team. You have stopped evaluating everything. You aren’t open to constructive evaluation – of you.

Believing your way is the only way. You’re the leader- you must be right, right? Maybe you’ve had some success and it went to your head just a little. Perhaps you’ve become – or you’ve always been – a little stubborn or head strong. You may even be controlling. You have to make or sign off on every decision. You may never delegate. Those are all signs of shallow leadership, because you’ve likely shut out some of the best ideas within the organization – which reside among the people you are trying to lead.

Assuming you already know the answer. You think you’ve done it long enough to see it all, so you quit learning. You have stopped reading. You never meet with other leaders anymore.

Pretending to care when really you don’t. This is so common among shallow leaders. Shallow leaders have grown cold in their passion. They may speak the vision, but they’re just words on a page or hung on a wall now. They may even go through all the motions. They are still drawing a paycheck, but if the truth be known, they’d rather be anywhere than where they are right now.

Giving the response, which makes you most popular. Shallow leaders like to be liked. They never make the hard decisions, refuse to challenge, avoid conflict, and run from complainers. They ignore the real problems in the organization so things never really get better.

Refusing to make a decision. Often a shallow leader had a setback at some point. Things didn’t go as planned, so they’ve grown scared or overwhelmed and so they refuse to walk by faith. The team won’t move forward because the leader won’t move forward.

Ignoring the warning signs of poor health. This can be poor health in the organization, the team, or in the leader. Things may not be “awesome” anymore. Momentum may be suffering. Shallow leaders look the other way. And, again, it could be the leader. Your soul may be empty. You may be the one unhealthy. Or the team may be unhealthy. Shallow leaders refuse to see it or do anything about it.

We never achieve our best with shallow leadership. And, the first step is always to admit.

Have you seen shallow leadership before? What would you add to my list?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Great post! Here are two more I can think of:

Failing to see the potential in others and nurturing it
Interfering in a task you have given to another
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago

Tweets that mention 7 Examples of Shallow Leadership | Ron Edmondson --

[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ron Edmondson, Chris Agne, El LaGrew, Armando Albuquerque, Reinhardt A Botha and others. Reinhardt A Botha said: RT @RonEdmondson: 7 Examples of Shallow Leadership [...]
If something doesn't work, it has to be someone else' fault;
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago
I wouldn't call that person a leader. They may have a title that puts them over people. But I feel sorry for the folks under them.

I would add "Doing everything yourself and then complaining nobody is helping you"
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago
Another shallow leadership sign - Committing to doing something but don't follow through on it.
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago
Let’s get rid of bad management Ron. Join my Fan Page:
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago
Great post Ron! I would also add that one sure sign of shallow leadership is the prevalence of employes, and the lack of spiritual sons and daughters. The difference b/w a servant and a son shows up when inevitable problems and difficulties arise. A son fights, while the servant get's on the next flight...
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago
I have worked for some that thought everything was abouit them: If it's good, it's all them; if it's bad, it's what others are doing to them!
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago
Shallow leadership can hurt your employees. Another sign would be intimidating to get what you want from people.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Steve Koshowsky's avatar

Steve Koshowsky · 745 weeks ago

Two more for the list.

Public belittling of people that don't agree with your view

Having a "Don't let the door hit you in the but on the way out" attitude.
1 reply · active 745 weeks ago

7 Examples of Shallow Leadership « Ministry Conspiracy

[...] to see who you’re doing as a pastor/leader? Pastor and church leader, Ron Edmondson, shares 7 Examples of Shallow Leadership. It’s quick and simple, but may not be [...]
Viewing people who disagree with you as a threat to your leadership rather than an asset providing you with a perspective you don't possess.
1 reply · active 744 weeks ago
Shallow leaders value people for what they do rather than who they are.
1 reply · active 744 weeks ago
Shallow leaders recycle other leaders vision,methods. words; they rarely have their own.

i'll stop now. :-)
1 reply · active 744 weeks ago
ha! ok good, cuz i've got a few more! :-)

Shallow leaders raise and attract good followers rather than good leaders. They find raising or leading true leaders cumbersome, time-consuming and messy and an impediment to the process. (followers say, "ok" leaders ask, "why?".)

Shallow leaders feed off the praise of others; it's their personal measuring stick for success.

Shallow leaders take criticism - no matter how well intended - personally rather than objectively.

Shallow leaders will blame anyone and everyone before taking responsibility for poor leadership. (It's not always the devil opposing you, sometimes it's just poor leadership.)

Shallow leaders rarely realize they're shallow leaders; they fail to understand that following all the "rules of leadership" does not inherently make you a good leader.
Shallow leaders,
- worship crowds and fear and avoid individuals.
- undermine the missional sending capacity of the local church.
- never foster Kingdom culture.
- Prefer clean stables, over messy oxen.
- usually very sub-culturalized and ingrown.
1 reply · active 744 weeks ago
Shallow leaders do not foster good morale, no excitement for the mission.
1 reply · active 743 weeks ago
Kala Reyna's avatar

Kala Reyna · 731 weeks ago

My question many spouses/parents are shallow leaders? We need to watch out for these things in our marriages/families as well. I'm guilty as charged. Thank you for the opportunity to grow and change.
1 reply · active 731 weeks ago
Shallow Leaders
- only associate themselves w/ ppl that tell them yes
- look for a way out before they ever commit
- won't persevere
- dress right / do nothing
- refuse to give credit
- build their esteem instead of the teams
- discuss the symptoms & ignore the issue
- talk a big game, but won't get in the trenches
1 reply · active 725 weeks ago
Knowing that one can't gain leadership ability by simply reading... if you had to offer one indispensable book on leadership in the local church, what would it be?
1 reply · active 689 weeks ago
Great post.
1 reply · active 683 weeks ago
loved 'pretending you care'--so easy for pastors to do
1 reply · active 664 weeks ago

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