Memorial Day weekend…
Some say it’s the official start of summer…
Picnics, vacations, camps, flip flops, outdoor baptisms, family reunions, fireworks, sweat, grilling, swimming pools, bugs, harvesting wheat, homemade ice cream, baseball, fresh vegetables from the garden….
Those are just a few thoughts that come to mind when I think of summer fun…
What thoughts come to your mind when you think of summer?
What are your favorite memories of summer?
What are you most looking forward to about this particular summer?
Share with us today…
When I think of summer I remember the endless hours on a tractor or hay wagon bringing in the harvest on the farm. Those were good days.
We are looking forward to spending three weeks with our son and his family. They are doing BAM in Southeast Asia reaching an unreached people group. We get to see them (three terrific grand children) about once a year. Either we go there or they come here. August is going to be a HUGE family reunion as my 86 year old mother will be with us and our other two daughters. What fun.
Thank you Ron for helping me remember and think about the good times of summer past and present.
Sounds like a great summer of new memories will be built. Praying for those times to be special. Thanks Dave!
What a blessing you are Ron. Thank you for your prayers!
Bugs, 24-hur sun, bugs, making summer plans for kids, bugs, holidays with family and, oh yeah, did I mention bugs?!? 🙂 Actually the 24-hour sun makes up for the bugs–almost–and the summers make up for the long winters. Most important are the trips to catch up with family (since hardly anyone ventures our way for holidays), long road trips usually . . . hard 2-day drive to any of our nearest destinations. Sigh!
I found some bugs (or they found me) tonight, but it was worth it. We had a great time with friends.
Sounds like an exciting summer!
No school, no students, and more time to think and write. I can start cooking again and spend more time with my family. My biggest problem will be forgetting to take a real break, so I'm laying out plans to take the first two weeks of July off (a new granddaughter is due then and I should have my book proposal, my blog posts, and my agent queries done by that time). I will also take the last few days of July and the week before school starts off. I have a lot to accomplish this summer both for my book and my classes next school year, so please pray with me. 🙂
When I think of summer I think of fun times with my kids, altering the work week to be off on Fridays, friends, neighborhood parties, warm breezes, feet in the sand. 🙂
You may have just encouraged me to take the day off on Fridays this Summer. Maybe…
when I think of summer I think of unbarble heat, shutting myself up in air condioning, trying not to get heat sick. my fav memerys are my grandma putting watermelen on ice, egg saled, home made juice pop cicles, & me & my two bros playing cards while all sitting in tubs of ice water, splashing each other. I'm looking forward to moving to chicago this summer!
Thanks. I love Chicago. My son goes to school up there so I make up there as often as I can.
cool!! maby well cross paths sometime! would like to meet to you f 2 f some time.
He goes to Moody in downtown Chicago. That would be great
as far as I know I'm going to be in up town maby andersonville but I don't thank thats far, I know I saw moody church when I was visiting my friend Andrew, thanks!