Over the next few days I will share some of the results of the Leadership Perception Survey I posted recently on my blog. Just so you know, there is no hidden agenda here. Several have asked. I simply believe perception of a situation matters, sometimes as much as reality. In leadership, we must always be aware of another person’s perception and realize that not everyone thinks as we do. That doesn’t mean perception has to alter what we do, certainly not if we are doing the right thing, but perception can play a factor in success and may alter the strategy we use to accomplish our vision. Have you ever heard of marketing? Successful marketing revolves around perception. Understanding other people’s perception is a part of successful leadership also.
Without commentary, here are the first few graphics.
Question: Are you currently a leader?
- Yes 76%
- No 24%
How many total people report to you:
- 0 22%
- 1-10 52%
- 11-25 9%
- 26-100 15%
- 100+ 2%
Should the leader be entitled to more vacation or other benefits that the people he or she leads, just because of position?
- Yes 27%
- No 73%
Should a leader have a bigger office than the people he or she leads?
- Yes 30%
- No 70%
Stay tuned for more results.
I am a big believer in how perception shapes our actions, beliefs, and individual worlds. What we perceive, we believe!
.-= Courtney_!82´s last blog ..Great Resources =-.
my career has been spent is various leadership and sales/marketing positions. early in my career i learned this little phrase:
perception is fact
therefore presentation is everything
i LOVE the way you worded this: I simply believe perception of a situation matters, sometimes as much as reality.
Thanks Krister. I agree with you. Thanks for agreeing with me.