If you want employees to ultimately accomplish the vision of the organization and actually take initiative and ownership in that vision, then leaders need to strive to…
…Stress results and not details…
That is a hard concept for many leaders. They own their vision. They have in their mind what they want to achieve. They have pre-determined exactly what a win looks like. They can almost detail it out in their heads. Therefore, if a leader is not careful he or she begins to stress the details of that vision as opposed to stressing and rewarding people for results achieved.
Previously I posted on the need for leaders to be willing to “give their vision away”. If ultimately what you want is the end goal accomplished, allow others to add their personal touch to their work, let them strive for excellence, dream their own dreams, and own their work. Then watch as they soar to accomplish your vision. It may not look exactly as you thought it would, but chances are it will actually look better than you imagined.
Leaders, do you stress more results or more details? If you are in a work environment, would you rather your boss stress details or results?
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