Our community group finished up Purpose Driven Life this week. I’ve been supplementing the text with my own questions from the material. Here are the questions for Purpose Number 5. What are your answers?
1. If “you were made for a mission”, have you figured out yet what that is?
2. What is your process of mission discovery? How do you think that takes place?
3. What fears come to your mind when you think about evangelism or sharing your faith?
4. Who do you know that needs more than anything in their life to hear and receive the Good News of Jesus Christ?
5. If we are to “give ourselves completely to God” what is the hardest thing for you to give up in order for you to follow Christ completely?
6. Are there areas of your life/struggles in your life that are hard for you to share with others? Could those be the things God most wants to use to win others to Him?
7. Are you certain of your salvation? Has there ever been a time of doubt?
8. In what areas of your life do you most need to “shift from self-centered thinking to other-centered thinking?
9. Is it difficult to see yourself as a part of the “global” picture of God’s story? What helps you/hinders you from doing so?
10. What do you think of when you read “Shift from ‘here and now’ thinking to eternal thinking”? How does that help you when you practice doing so?
11. What excuses do we usually use for not serving Christ as you should?
12. Where is your life out of balance? Where do you need to be more balanced?
13. If you had to give yourself a spiritual check-up today, how are you doing?
14. If your life purpose had a mission statement, what would it be?
15. What do you most want the “contribution” of your life to be?
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