Our community group is going through Purpose Driven Life. For some of us this is a refresher and for others it is the first time. (Interestingly, everyone in the group owned a copy of the book, but not everyone had read it.) Last night we considered week two. As a supplement to the book, I asked these questions. We had lots of good discussions and I’m still pondering my answers.
1. What does it mean “to please God”?
Do you believe your life brings God pleasure?
2. How do you feel about the statement: Worship is not for your benefit?
3. What is something your children do that makes you smile?
Would you rather have your children’s time or a plaque for the wall?
Do you want your children to trust you?
How do you think these the answers to these questions translate to your relationship with God?
4. If it’s true God smiles when we trust Him completely, is He smiling now about your trust in Him?
Where are you struggling/need to trust Him more?
Where are you struggling/need to obey Him more?
5. What is one fear/worry/burden you need to surrender to God?
6. What is the greatest barrier you have to prayer?
7. Have you weathered a time when God seemed distant?
What did you do?
8. How has your relationship with God changed over the years?
Spend some time considering these questions and your own answers to them.
Great Book! We are about go do the ‘PDL’ thing as an entire church. Excited about how we will grow! I am sure you guys are, too.
*ahem* I’m one of those people who own the book and have never read it. I also own Dave Ramsey’s book and have never read that. I also own another great book by the former chaplain at my college, and I haven’t read that either… but I listened to it on tape at least! I’ll have to loan it to you sometime!
On that note, I’m off to read…. blogs.
I wanna be in your group