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Advice When Nothing Is Going Right

When it seems everything is a failure. Go for some small wins.

Life has a way of bringing seasons into our life where nothing seems to go right. Often God uses those times to strengthen us, sometimes our own bad decisions bring those times, and many times those seasons come just as a part of living in a fallen world. Those seasons tend to scare us from taking risks, trusting others, or moving forward with the dreams God has given us.  We may even feel paralyzed from ever accomplishing anything again.  During those seasons of life, a person may need to experience a little victory to rebuild his or her confidence.

If everything in your life seems to be going wrong lately, find a few small things you do well and complete them. Everyone does something well. Allow God to use you for some small wins.  It will help rebuild your faith and confidence and encourage you to take risks again towards the bigger wins.

Are you in one of those seasons? Be faithful in a little and God will bless you with far more. What’s a small win you could accomplish today?

You may also want to read THIS POST on how to handle disappointments in life.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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[...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Ron Edmondson, plake777. plake777 said: RT @RonEdmondson: New Post: Advice When Nothing Is Going Right [...]
Sir,you are really great.This post is a push for me to go and overcome challenges.I pray God multiplies His anointing in you.Shalom!!!.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Don Sullivan's avatar

Don Sullivan · 763 weeks ago

It has been one of those weeks. Several bad decisions reaped consequences that hurt those who are closest to me. I have been more irritable with so many stresses about me. Thank you for the encouragement. God bless you.
1 reply · active 763 weeks ago
Thanks Don. Praying for next week to be a better one
Thanks for this post Ron. One question, what would you look at as a small win? I'm kind of stuck in finding out what I do well...know what I mean?
2 replies · active 762 weeks ago
Thanks for this question. Great one. I am in meetings most of the day but I will answer...maybe even in a separate post.
By small wins, that could be anything that would build your confidence. It could be praying for that one person to come to church. It could be convincing one person to join a team in the church or serve in some way. Not familiar with your church obviously, so I can't give too specific of examples, but what if you have a choir and you convinced one person to join the choir. It would be a win for that person and your leadership. Through those small wins your confidence is rebuilt. Make sense?

Don't think it has to be "big"...that's why it's called a small win. Too many times I think we focus so much on the grandiose that we forget to celebrate the small steps people take. That's usually how people grow. When we concentrate of a few small wins our confidence gets a boost and we are more energized, motivated, and equipped to go for the bigger wins.

Praying for you. If I can help with specific scenarios, please email me directly.
God bless

Pastor Burnout…What Now? | Ron Edmondson

[...] Look for some small wins.  It will help rebuild your confidence.  (Read another post with that thought HERE.) [...]
my life just keeps getting worse and worse. Nothing at all lately is going right. Lack of funds, means lack of food, which means hungry kids and a mother in tears. I am stuck at home all day every day with no car and no other transport to get me out of town. It never rains here so that means my water tank is always almost empty. I feel like i have no family anymore, either they have died or they want nothing to do with me since i had my third child (whom has down syndrome). I try and I try and I still end up hitting rock bottom. i had my 29th birthday last week. Not a phone call from my immediate family only my brother whom only called to ask for money. my partner didnt say happy birthday to me until 6pm and couldnt even care as to why i was so upset. I dont know where to go or what to do any more. I find myself thinking of ways to just pack up and go and leave my kids with my other half as they would be better of without a mother whom is always sad and upset.
3 replies · active 615 weeks ago
My mother was a single mother. It is one of the hardest sacrifices of life. I know this, however, my mother is my hero today as a grown man. The Scriptures say your children will one day rise up to call you blessed. Also, suffering may last for a season, but joy comes in the morning. I'm praying for you asking God to intervene, but please know that, if Jesus is your Savior, you may be suffering all your life here, but great will be your reward in Heaven.

Hang on mom! Hang on!
Hi! I just want to encourage you to not give up at all , not for one second not for one minute! Often times I think that things have to work out when I say, when I want, and how I want and it just cause me to worry, stress and cry. And! I remember that God my creator is the one who is in charge. At times when things go wrong I have recognized it's not God who is doing it to me or sometimes even the devil, sometimes it's just me. God word says that we may make plans in our lives but he is the one who orders our steps. Know matter how hard life maybe your children NEED YOU! not just their Dad. Please don't plant a seed in their lives of abandonment and rejection, they will suffer from that all their lives. We as parents are suppose to love care and nurture our children. God called you to do that for them. He entrust you to that. I know life gets unbearable at times. He listens to your every word and bottles up every tear. You may not feel joy through your tuff times right now but in my dark place I'm learning to find little moments to be happy about. It sounds like you have three little ones that can and i'm sure do create moments to make you happy. Take joy in them, see what you have in a different perspective and you will begin to see things in a different light. Your testimony moves me with compassion cause I can feel your pain. Draw near to God and he will Draw near to you. Hang on it will get better.
recently police raided my family's home and found an illegal pistol so everyone in the house was charged I had to witness my 65 year old mom in a cell crying my pregnant sister cry after spending some days locked up we were released on bail I have a government job so as I have a criminal charge I was placed on suspension everyone watches my family as criminals now I am so depressed I am just home everyday thinking about how miserable my life is I even contemplate suicide just to escape from this I am on my knees everyday crying for God to help us
Police raided my 3 bdroom home..locked up my fiance they found nothing in our home...then i was put out my house my deceased mother left for in a motel this was in August..i have nbdy..and my other half is locked up..keep your head trying...

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