What are some good prayers for a Christian leader?
For the Christian leader, prayer should be critical to how we lead. I’m 59 and I’ve not mastered this yet – even though I know how powerful prayer is for the believer. Our leader, Jesus was always walking in prayer with the Father.
Jesus said He did nothing except what the Father told Him to do. So, when Jesus needed to feed the multitudes, He lifted up the bread and fish and prayed. Just before Jesus was about to be crucified – At the weakest point in His life we find Him praying.
Why? Because prayer taps into that relationship with God.
The power in prayer is not in the process of prayer, but the Person of prayer. Prayer takes us into the very Throne Room of God. Talk about power!
So, as Christian leaders, we need to pray. I thought with this post I might spur that in each of us by offering some good prayers for leaders to pray.
10 good prayers of a Christian leader:
Dear Lord, grow my love for you so I will trust in You when I can’t see the path ahead clearly. Help me to trust in You, more than I trust in my abilities.
Dear Lord, help me not to say yes when no is the right answer. Help me balance my time to be most effective and to accomplish Your will more than the will of others.
Dear Lord, never allow my plan to get ahead of – or in the place of – Your plan. Remind me frequently that Your way is best and I will always be most successful when I wait for You.
Dear Lord, allow me to forgive easily, hold no grudges or bitterness, and live in and extend to others the grace You have provided to me. Never let me get so proud or arrogant that I forget I am nothing apart from Your hand upon my life.
Dear Lord, provide me with courage and conviction to face my fears and critics and lead people to bigger realities of Your will than today. Give me the courage of Gideon, the steadfastness of Nehemiah, and the boldness of Daniel.
Dear Lord, grant me wisdom to make decisions big and small and conviction to follow You when it contradicts my desires or the demands of others. Give me discernment and surround me with wise people who follow You and can speak into my life.
Dear Lord, help me guard my heart , overcome temptation, and keep my character and reputation above reproach. Build around me people who believe in me, know me, and are willing to speak hard truths into my life.
Dear Lord, give me patience with people, the pace of progress, and with things I can’t understand. Assure me continually that Your plan is always worth waiting for and will be better than anything I can produce on my own.
Dear Lord, help me communicate with clarity, consistency, and competence. Guard my tongue and keep me from reckless words. Make me an encourager and a builder of people with the things I say.
Dear Lord, help me to love people and use my influence for the good of others. Allow me to see my life’s mission as bigger than today. Help me leave a legacy, which brings glory to You.
In Jesus name, Amen.
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