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17 Often Unknown Roles of a Pastor

By February 16, 2023Church, Leadership

There are some often unknown roles of being a pastor.

Pastor, have you ever heard?

What is it you have to do when you’re not preaching?

Must be nice to only work one day a week.

I’d like to come see you this afternoon. Since it’s not Sunday I’m assuming you’re free.

Believe it or not, I’ve heard all of those. Most are simple misunderstandings. Sometimes people are just trying to be funny.

I must admit. It’s not always funny — not laugh out loud funny at least, because the jokes grew stale over time. They are still new to someone I suppose.

But when it was said as an indication that pastors have it “easy” it can even hurt. That’s probably true more for my pastor friends in smaller churches where they carry the weight of multiple staff positions and have more than one job.

What does a pastor do when not preaching?

That is a valid question. This is not meant to seem as a complaining post, but an informational post. You only know what you know. I don’t know what the doctor does when not seeing patients or all the things that teacher does when not in the classroom. Every job has its own responsibilities that are not clearly known until you do the job.

The answer for pastors is — they do lots of things. A day is seldom the same.

The pastor wears many hats. Some of them of which you may not even be aware.

17 often unknown roles of a pastor:


All pastors do some counseling. Many pastors, I might add most pastors, are not qualified to do extensive counseling. They can’t commit the required time nor do they have the expertise. Still, some counseling is a part of nearly every pastor job.

Career Coach.

One of the most frequent requests for my ministry help had to do with people’s career steps — from school to employment. I’ve heard similar from other pastors. Because work greatly impacts a person’s life it is a huge part of the pastor’s life. In fact, I usually have a list of people in our church who were looking for work or looking for someone to hire.

Business Advisor.

It may be because I have a business background, but I think it also comes with the role. Business leaders, especially self-employed business owners, want help discerning the right decisions. (I admire that about them.) One place business people consistently seek input from is the pastor.


As pastor I couldn’t stand a piece of paper on the floor. If I saw a trash can overflowing I don’t always call someone – I do something about it. Most pastors I know want the facility ready when people arrive. So they do what they have to do. In fairness, I don’t do much of this. We have a large facility and an excellent team to keep it clean and ready. I do know pastors, however, that have to help on a larger role in facility maintenance or custodial care.


I’ve stood between a few people before trying to work through division and build cooperation. It could be in a marriage or even been between business partners in the church. People often want a third-party objective and many times they look to the pastor for that role.

Social worker.

I read a definition of social worker recently. They “seek to improve the quality of life and subjective well-being of individuals, families, couples, groups, and communities through research, policy, community organizing, direct practice, crisis intervention, and teaching.” Yea. That.

Volunteer coordinator.

Every pastor must learn how to coordinate the efforts of different people, who communicate uniquely, and have their expectations of volunteer leadership.

Events manager.

I don’t fill this one often, although I have some responsibilities with events. Since I am not good at details, thankfully there are people in our church who can do this role better than me. But most pastors, including me, have responsibility for events at some level.


Let me be very clear that Jesus is the CEO of the church. (Some may argue Jesus is the owner and He left us to provide everyday leadership — under His direction.) If I get critics on this one criticism it will be because you misunderstand what I’m saying. Maybe on my ability to say it where you can interpret it.

But make no mistake about it – the pastor is expected to lead so many aspects of the church. On every major decision of the church most churches want the input of the pastor. Regardless of the structure of the church it can feel very much like a CEO position. (And I’ve been one in business and nonprofits.) This is one of the larger uses of my “non-preaching” time. By the way, I have talked with dozens of pastors who don’t feel prepared for this role.


Ministry takes money. And most of the church looks to the pastor to be the primary solicitor of contributions. (Honestly, it’s a huge burden to most pastors and one they don’t feel comfortable doing.)


No church can function without volunteers or leaders. Most pastors are consistently looking for new people to get involved and lead ministries of the church. And the search for volunteers is a continuous effort.


Pastors consistently help people learn how to do something. Whether it involves life skills or how to function within a ministry of the church, one of a pastor’s primary goals is to help people improve in areas of their life.


I am not the smartest person in our church. But at the same time, the church has a certain level of expectation regarding my understanding of history, the Bible, and current events — locally and around the world. Most expect the pastor to be well-spoken and well-read.


I estimate I average five to seven writing assignments a week besides my message. Bulletin articles. Church-wide emails. Letters of recommendations.


Every pastor manages someone — even if they are volunteers. In fact, volunteer management may actually be more difficult.

Public relations.

This part of a pastor’s role is increasing daily. The days when a Sunday announcement or bulletin announcement would get the word out to the church are gone. With so many mediums to communicate and people’s divided attention among them — not to mention the frequency of attendance for many in the church — communicating to people has become a huge challenge for pastors.


I wish I didn’t have to list it. But I’ve served in elected office too. Trust me – it’s there.

There’s my list. I’m sure there are others. And it’s a labor of love — certainly of calling — for most pastors I know, but it requires more than preaching.

Granted, the size of the church will often determine the amount of time spent on anyone of these. But except in exceptionally larger churches, the pastor wears multiple hats. Certainly more than a Sunday job. And many pastors, myself for one, spend up to half or two-thirds of our week preparing for Sunday.

It should also be noted — the pastor shouldn’t do ALL of this. I spend much of this blog and my podcast helping pastors learn to be better leaders which ultimately means learning to delegate. I believe in the Acts 6 and Jethro models of pastoral leadership.

Thankfully, I have been blessed to serve in churches where most of these tasks were primarily assigned to other staff members for direct oversight. I actually had other pastors in mind when I wrote this more than myself. But in all of these roles, at some level, in most churches they are under the pastor’s purview. If there is a need for or problem with one of them the pastor will be looked to ensure it is addressed. Therefore, whether or not the pastor does all of these personally, there is a level of responsibility. To ignore this and point to an “ideal” job description of a pastor would be naive, in my opinion.

One final thought, considering these roles imagine how that plays out for bi-vocational pastors. Say an extra prayer for those pastors.

Pastors, any other roles we serve?

Check out my leadership podcast where we discuss issues of leadership nuggets in a practical way. Plus, check out the other Lifeway Leadership Podcasts.

Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Don Dilday's avatar

Don Dilday · 106 weeks ago

Some of what you mentioned allows for the couple I will add - weddings, funerals, hospital visitation. Ron, I know you personally & I know your staff. The church is blessed. But the church of that size needs a personal touch in those situations and you and other staff members have to “drop everything” at times and give to those folks. There is no time table such as “It’s my day off.”
1 reply · active 106 weeks ago
Ron Edmondson's avatar

Ron Edmondson · 106 weeks ago

You are absolutely right, Don. You've been there. Thankful for the team we have.
Lester Wimpy's avatar

Lester Wimpy · 106 weeks ago

Appreciate all you do for our church. I wish every church member would read this to get a glimpse of the demands. Members get the benefit of hearing sermons that take hours of study, prayer and listening to God's leading. Glad when you are able to go events that are lead by others. Praying for you!
1 reply · active 106 weeks ago
Ron Edmondson's avatar

Ron Edmondson · 106 weeks ago

You’re kind. I am blessed far more than pastors with no other pastors to help on staff. We have a great team. Plus experience has taught me when to say no and when to say yes. Thank you.
Munroe Rice's avatar

Munroe Rice · 106 weeks ago

Ron, your post is timely and true! In addition to your items, many (I would assume most) pastors are also husbands and fathers. All too often these two "jobs" are placed too low on the priority matrix, when we know that God's qualifications call these two things out specifically.
I am a bi-vocational pastor of a small rural church, and have been blessed with a loving and caring faith family for which I praise God! There are seasons where the burdens which are not directly related to preaching are beyond my ability to bear, and in these times I have to go back to "calling". A mentor taught me that seasons and circumstances in a pastor's ministry bring us low, and remembering that God has called us is the only thing that will keep our hands on the plow.
Blessings to you Ron, thank you for your encouraging article. I pray that churches across the country see this, and bless their pastors with prayer and encouragement!
1 reply · active 106 weeks ago
Ron Edmondson's avatar

Ron Edmondson · 106 weeks ago

Thanks so much for this encouragement!

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