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I love the story in Judges 6 where God called Gideon to save the Israelites from the land of Midian. Gideon was the weakest of his clan from the weakest clan, yet God chose to use him for a powerful leadership role for God’s people. You might read the story again HERE.

Consider a small part of Gideon’s conversation with angel of the Lord:

(I’ve embellished the story a bit to illustrate the way I view the story. My embellishment is in parenthesis.)

The Lord is with you, O mighty man of valor”

“Well, please sir…(I don’t mean to be disrespectful, but) if the Lord is with us, why then has all this happened to us? …

…And where are all his wonderful deeds that our fathers recounted to us…”

Imagine the scene. An angel shows up, which was usually a pretty scary part of the story, but instead of reacting in surprise, Gideon respectfully questions where God has been lately. He’s not disrespectful, but he is gut honest with the concerns he has with God.

Do you ever wonder where God is when life seems to be falling apart?

Do you ever question God’s involvement when He seems to be nowhere around?

Do you ever think things may never improve?

Gideon had those type questions, and he didn’t cover them up with phony praise, he let his concerns be known.

Yet God’s angel didn’t curse Gideon. Instead, God used Gideon, in spite of his doubts and fears.

“The Lord said to him, but I will be with you…” Judges 6:16 God simply pointed Gideon back to the faith he originally had in Him. That was not the end of Gideon’s fear or questioning, but it was the beginning of his journey back to complete faith.

Perhaps instead of continuing in our own doubts and fears, you and I should get gut honest with God. Maybe we should tell Him how we really feel. I’m not suggesting we become flippant towards a Holy God. That’s never a good idea. I’m suggesting we be honest with the God who already knows our heart and allow Him to restore our faith and strengthen us for the journey ahead. That often begins when we become real with God with who we are, who we are not, and who He is.

God uses people who are willing to humbly surrender their insufficiencies; their doubts and fears, to His sufficiency.

By the way, He knows your heart because He made your heart.

How are you at being honest with God?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Love this, except for the lump it gave me in my throat. Thanks- Blessed Sunday to you, Pastor Ron.
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Good thoughts. Thank you.
This is a timely article, something I've needed to hear and something I need to apply to my heart. Thank you so much.
1 reply · active 460 weeks ago
Thanks. God bless you as you seek Him.
Sigh .. . a great reminder! Thank you!
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
A perfect thing to read today, as I am in the process of wanting to talk over so much with God.
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Been kind of learning the same thing here. Not necessarily getting gut level with God but falling on your knees and turning to him when you need him to fill you up or put him back where he should be at the center. Great post!
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Great thoughts, Ron. Love your recommendation to open up and tell God how you really feel. He knows and understands!
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
This is my favorite subject. Thanks for taking the time to discuss that,
I really feel strongly about it and also love learning more on that topic.
If achievable, while you gain competence, would you mind updating your blog with
more information? It is really helpful for me.Thanks for share.
I approach Him like this every day. If You want me to really love my wife unconditionally (Eph 25:5), why does she break my heart every day? Shouldn't You be working in her heart to give me the respect that I deserve (Eph 5:23)? If that's what You really want from me, then why do I feel like such a fool every day? When I screwed up I felt convicted and "punished", but now that You've turned me around completely, I still feel, after three long years, like I am being "punished"; like no matter what I do or pray it's never right or enough; Lord, what's up with that?

Getting Gut Honest with God « Q & A with Pastor Mark Haines

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I'm also struck by how merciful God was with Gideon's doubts. He allowed Gideon to test him twice with the fleece. Then on top of that, God let Gideon hear the Midianite soldiers talking about a dream they had where Gideon conquered them.
1 reply · active 680 weeks ago
Yes, good thoughts. Thank you!
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Gregory Robertson's avatar

Gregory Robertson · 600 weeks ago

I am in a very bad spiritual state and am tormented by demons. Reading your post today was priceless! please PRAY FOR ME!
1 reply · active 600 weeks ago

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