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One Secret to Me Accomplishing Much

People ask all the time…How do you do everything you do?

Well, honestly, I don’t feel I’m doing everything I should be doing, but, one secret is that I maintain a healthy exercise program.

  • It fuels my creative thoughts…
  • It keeps me feeling at my best…
  • It builds my confidence…
  • It helps me sleep better at night…

There are other things I do…I believe in attempting to maintain total health…physical, spiritual, mental, relational…but this one is a key for me to being healthy in other areas of my life.

Be honest, do you need to exercise more regularly?

What secrets do you have to accomplishing much?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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I've been using's app to track my calories, and suffice to say it is a major motivator to exercises and gain some of those calories back. I've tried to walg (walk+jog) at least 14 miles a week. This plus a daily regiment of taking b12 complex, omega 3, triple flex, one a day multi-vitamin and about 128 ounces of water help me to feel at the top of my game.
This is SO true, Ron. I just started back a regular program. Found a terrific trainer at the Y who has put me on a good 90-day plan. It's about lifestyle at the end of the day - the balance of healthy eating, exercising, SLEEP (we need more than we think), and spending quality time (and QUANTITY time) with those we love - plus our work and ministry. That's a big long formula, but I can sure tell a BIG difference. Thanks for the encouraging words here today.
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
I KNOW that Byron and I need to take better care of ourselves. Motivation can be tricky especially when we are equally yolked in our laziness. We know we don't look or feel our BEST but most days we feel "good enough." are there passages in the Bible that you draw on for motivation to exercise?
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Right on Ron!

I exercise 4-5 times per week and agree with everything you said! The big three = exercise, rest and diet... get those three right and everything from God to finances to relationships seems to happen easier!
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Exercise has been difficult for me at this stage of life; church planting and four kids ages six, five, three and 15 months. I have decided to ride my bike more often though as the main transportation. Columbus is spread out and my congregation is all over the place. So two or three times a week I ride 15-20 miles a day. Not bad for a little exercise.
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
I ride a Trek 2.3 Ron. As often as I can. As long as I can. I usually average 20-30 miles. With the heat index over 100, I have taken to ride at daybreak. I have found, as you have, that exercise helps me sleep better and require less. I also was in the process of purchasing a used Bowflex when someone found out and bought it for me. so I now have that in my house and can spare the money for the Y expense.
2 replies · active 712 weeks ago
Yes, Trek is probably the #1 bike maker. Lance rode a Trek. Andy Schleck (Tour de France) rides for and rides a Trek. Mine is aluminum with a carbon fork. It is also 64cm, the largest production bike made. Any more and I would have had to pay for a custom bike. Yikes!
I find myself struggling to consistently exercise. I'll do good one week but terrible the next. I've also noticed the cleaner I eat the better I feel and more productive I am even when I haven't worked out. I need consistency! Good post.
I can honestly say yes. I have found when I exercise and watch what I eat, I have more energy. This is a great reminder for leader's to stay in shape. Thank you for posting.
1 reply · active less than 1 minute ago
Thanks Dan! The eating part is true. I need to do better here.
I do run in the morning on alternate days in a week. I feel I need to run daily in the morning. I too believe that the importance of physical well being can ignored at one's own peril.
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
Uma, with the stress you describe it's even more important that you do this.
Julie Abel's avatar

Julie Abel · 712 weeks ago

It totally agree with you Ron. I get the same thing. I actually have named my morning work out "Sanity" in my calendar. It is the only way.
1 reply · active 712 weeks ago
That's a great tip Julie!

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