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The Difference in Knowing and Doing

There is often a difference in…




When it comes to right things…things we should know and do…

It’s true for all of us…some more than others…

You can know the right things to do…and never do the right things…

In my experience, not doing is often a bigger problem than not knowing…

Many people who know never do…


The margin between knowing and doing may determine the degree of success you attain…

Understanding your margin sets you up to address the problem…

What is the current margin between your knowing and your doing?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Join the discussion 7 Comments

  • Ron, sometimes my doing exceeds my knowing. There are so many opportunities out there to do things. My challenge is staying still long enough in God's presence to sort out all the good things for the GOD things only He wants me to do.

  • Jay says:

    Fear and apathy. Deadly combo.

  • Daniel E. Maldonado says:

    Great post Ron!

    It might be many things. Yes, fear is a big factor as Artie says, but we shouldn't dismiss also other factors such as depression and similar physiological factors. It is also true for what does the individual considers "knowing". You might have a wrong perspective of something and stale because of that perspective. I know talented individuals that had not moved into their full potential because of these issues. You can reason with them, but not necessarily make them move to action and further help (professional) and deeper love is needed.

    • ronedmondson says:

      These are good points Daniel. Thanks for bringing up the other physiological factors.

  • artie Davis says:

    I think one of the biggest factor between the Knowing and doing is fear! You can know almost everything you need to know, but when it comes take to pull the trigger, the "what if" monster comes and sabotages your vision.

    Perfect love casts out all fear! Pull the trigger. Good word Ron

    • ronedmondson says:

      Good call Artie. I agree fear keeps me from doing many things I know I should be doing.