I lift up my eyes to the hills- where does my help come from? Psalm 121:1 NIV
When you are in the valley, I mean really, deep in the valley, the only place to look is up!
Life has a way of placing you in the valley for seasons. Have you ever been there before? Are you there now?
Have you ever lifted up your eyes, heavy, burdened with guilt, mourning with hurt, drooping from the strain of sorrow, to see the mountains where your heart longs to be again?
Have you ever been so low that you barely have a dream of what it is like to be on top?
All of us will one day have a heart that needs to be filled. Each of us find ourselves at times expereincing that empty painful, awful hole in our heart, the size that only God can completely fill.
In those times, it’s important, more than ever, to remember where your help come from. Your hope lies in a Savior, in a man like no other man, who came, who loved, who shared, who died, and who lives again! Your hope is in Jesus! Your help is found in Jesus! In that most desperate moment…there is no substitute!
If you are in the valley today…look to the hills….look to Jesus!
Can my readers and I pray with you about an issue? Leave a comment on this post.
Thank you so much for the wonderful teachings that we are receiving from this ministry. This is what we need over here in Africa. God bless you. Shalom
I feel like I have fallen out of favour with God nothing seem to work right I m up for surgery tomorrow i have failed promotional exams my fiance has married somebody else th list goes on. but I don’t want to lose my faith its drowning
The greatest servants of God have surely felt that way at times. Look at Job, Paul, Moses, David. Faith is suffering through the times we don't understand. Praying for you.
I feel lost. My history is a litany of sadness, sin, and torture. My heart is down there in the lowest valley. I feel forsaken. All I worked for has come to not. All I valued never valued me. All I gave all can’t give me even a glass of water. Whilst I shared what I have I have lost out on all I worked for. I am deep in the valley, may you prey with me to look up into the hills.
I am praying for you now.
My prayer plea would be for my dad. He's dealing with brain cancer that has metastacized into several other organs. He's been married to his new wife for just over 7 years, and now they are facing this tremendous hurdle. It's testing their faith, both of them are relatively new Christians.
It's testing me as well. I lost my brother less than five years ago to a rare liver cancer. Now this. I know God is in this. I just wish I could see him more clearly through it all.
I'll pray with you about that. My wife and I both lost our dads in the past year.
Thanks. It's been tough, although Dad's feeling better right now. I appreciete the prayers!
I've been in a valley for so long I've lost my tan lines.
And you're right, there is no where to look but up. Early on in my adult life I felt the roller coaster side of life; some times in the valley, some times on the crest of the mountain. I always felt that my relationship with God was pretty good. Then a number of years ago, the roller coaster just stopped, unfortunately in the valley. I sat there for so many years wondering why and crying out to God and being confused and angry at the lack of a response. And it's not that He never responded or stopped taking care of me and my family, but it always seemed to be JUST enough; nothing extra with which to enjoy life and He'd not remove me from the valley. I developed a bad attitude to just about everything, and this was a root cause of the problems in my marriage.
He finally showed me that my problems were really mine, what a surprise
He'd always been there and had continued to be faithful, but at the same time I needed to be shown the error of my ways and to be taught that my relationship with Him really wasn't as good as I thought it was.
Since then, my marriage has taken a hit, mostly because of me and my attitude and other things in my life are more stressful; I'm still in the valley. But at least there's some light now. I'd love for Him to pull me out and put me on the crest of the mountain for a while, but that's His timing and I'm trying to learn to trust in that and in Him more than I ever have.
Up is a good place to look!
I ask for prayer for the church I attend. I sense the valley we are sturggling through. There is God's grace at work everywhere, with lives changing and more people coming to know Christ. So I ask for prayer over the staff, volunteers, partners, and the new attendees. May His presence be there to lead us by the Holy Spirit, producing a light on the hill that glorifies His name.
I will join you in that Zack.
Yes to all . I have been in many deep valley in my life, and never throught I would see the light. Our God, meet us where we need Him the most even when we feel so alone and have very hope if any.
What am dealing with right now is having to give up / dont expect to much from my parents. I have had to make some pretty tough decisions the past five months and has to be one of the hardest thing I have never done but, I know it wont be the last ones because it has been a continues occurances with them. It has made me really think about who I really am . do I just continue to live my life the way I meant to be or do I go live the life or make the choices they want me too. I question myself everyday. God, has laid some heavily stuff on my heart and I know my parents are going blow up. I always wanted them to care and accept it and treat me like a person etc.. It breaks my heart, and wish I could fix it but, I have done everything I can it their turn now.
Thanks Ashley. Praying for you.
I don't usually turn down the chance for others to pray for me. I have told a bit of my story here before. I have been unemployed since June. I have had a dream of transitioning from corporate I.T. world to working for God's Kingdom in some manner. Right now I feel like everything is coming against me trying to crush my dream. And some days I am not sure how much longer I can hold onto that dream. I am doing my best to trust God. No doubt that He has done a lot of the work over the past several months. I would ask that you pray for strength and guidance for me. And also that God would knock down any barriers that are slowing down the process.
That's tough. I'm sorry to her that. I'll be praying for you. You appear very talented. I pray God moves quickly here.
Valley. The most difficult place I’ve ever been that has produced in me the greatest growth. My life has turned on a dime. I suspect most lives have. A phone call. A diagnosis. A letter. Life happens in moments and some moments are profound.
Only thing to do is look up? You bet!
Yes, I'm with you on that Scott. That's been my experience also.
Yes, Down right there and then at that precise moment I connect and my heart is lifted by the grace of Christ, by surrendering to him with my faith, eventhough I do not see him I feel he is there with me. I surrender, I ask for forgiveness, I Thank him and Love him.
Thanks my friend.