And Mary said: “My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior” Luke 1:46 NIV
Let’s unwrap our second gift of Christmas… (If you missed our first gift, click HERE.)
Christmas brings the gift of JOY! God wants to give you joy this Christmas!
I think the gift of Joy is different from happiness. Happiness is an outward smile because things are going your way. Joy is an inner smile, even when things aren’t necessarily going your way!
Mary really had some “unhappy” things going on in her life. Sure, she was pregnant, and every baby was a blessing, but don’t forget, Mary wasn’t married! That’s more common today, but in that culture, it didn’t happen…or else! As I read scripture, when Mary sang this praise chorus, she didn’t yet know how Joseph would react. Would he believe her? Would he reject her? Would he allow her to be stoned?
Mary was a single girl with a baby on the way… you call that a “happy” situation? Maybe not, but you can call it a joyous occasion! In her womb would be the Savior of the world, who would save His people (including Mary) from their sins. The foretold Messiah would come…through Mary!
Joy is that constant emotion of fulfillment as we humbly place our child-like faith in our very capable Savior! The state of joy is when we know that through it all, God will remain victorious. Happiness is fleeting, but joy is forever!
Joy is an inner strength, peace and contentment that supersedes everything that is going on around you! Joy is like saying, “through it all, no matter what…I will praise the Lord!”
This Christmas, unwrap the gift of joy! It’s a gift to you from Jesus…to be used every day of the year!
How are you at living joyfully, even when life is uncomfortable or difficult? Do you know someone whom you believe understands the gift of joy?
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