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What In Your Life Is Devoted To Destruction?

That is why the Israelites cannot stand against their enemies; they turn their backs and run because they have been made liable to destruction. I will not be with you anymore unless you destroy whatever among you is devoted to destruction. Joshua 7:12 NIV

What in your life is “devoted to destruction“?

I know that seems like a silly question, perhaps even a harsh question, but it’s not to God. He wants us to rid ourselves of anything that is devoted to our downfall.

In the passage above, the people of God had lost a major battle. People were killed in the process. Joshua fell upon his face before the Lord. “What has happened to our blessing?”, Joshua must have thought. He cried out to the Lord and the Lord said, “Get off your face Joshua!”

God said that Joshua and the Israelites needed to rid themselves of anything that was standing between them and God. Joshua went to the people and found a man who had been worshipping idols. The people took that man from the city and stoned him to death.

Pretty powerful stuff! Yet, God takes devotion very seriously. Thankfully we are living outside the days of the law. We are now living in days of grace. Even in these times, however, those things that have our deepest devotion should be dedicated and pleasing to God, because in the end, the life we’ve lived for Christ, our family and others will be the life we value most! Other things will matter far less, if even at all.

What in your life is devoted to destruction? What do you need to rid from you life so that you can more fully trust and serve God? Is fear an issue in your life? Do you tend to worry unnecessarily? Is money your chief motivator? Would you put your career before your service to God? Are you greedy? Do you hold grudges? Are you prejudiced? Do you need to accept God’s forgiveness or forgive yourself for mistakes made? (Here’s a space for you to insert your own. _______________________ )


God wants us to rid our lives of those things that take us away from a total oneness with Him! Ask God to help you today!

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Excellent point! Jesus recognized the destructive bent of the world in John 10:10. Fortunately for us, he took care of the power of destruction on the cross and made the way for us to have life more abundant than the loss, death, and destruction that is pervading our world. Now is the time for us to flee to our prayer closets and throw ourselves on God's absolute love. His love is perfect, complete, and real--His love will give us what we need to overcome and defeat destruction in our lives.
1 reply · active 787 weeks ago
Amen. Great points.
Ashley Crews's avatar

Ashley Crews · 787 weeks ago

After these last few weeks, as I am struggling and doubting myself. And do stupid thinking and even thinking that God gave up on me and he forgot and stopped loving me. I think I need to get rid of my bad attitude and that might sound silly but Satan really messed with my mind when it comes to my attitude. My life is devoted to making my family and friends happy before I do what I know I should do and my relationship with God has really suffered from that. Fear is absolutely a issue in my life, for example I have fear in that I am mess up my last semester of college, being rejected by my family and friends for what I want to do and don’t want to do it likes peer pleasure. Sometimes I do worry unnecessarily but, that also plays in with my fears I have in my life. No money isn’t a motivator. No, I wouldn’t put my career before God but I feel I am right now because of trying to finished college and feel there not enough time for everything. No am not greedy or hold grudges or prejudiced. I do need to accept God forgiveness and forgive myself for mistakes I have made.
6 replies · active 737 weeks ago
Ashley, from our talks before, I know that your greatest enemy is the games your mind plays with you. Satan loves to keep you down... Tell him to take a hike as you pour all your heart and energies into the God that loves you more than you will ever know.
Ashley, I agree with what Ron says. Why don't you just concentrate on the reality of God's love for you? Romans 8:38-39 tells us that nothing separates from God's love, and Romans 8:28 tells us that God will work all things to our good. Just start talking to yourself about how much God loves you. He is not judging you nor is he forgetting you. God loves you and His love is absolute--perfect, complete, and real.
I commented to Ashley under her comment. She's a great young lady and sometimes just needs someone to care. I suggested maybe you two could talk sometime.
Ashley crews's avatar

Ashley crews · 737 weeks ago

Thanks Pastor Ron, I read this tonight for some reason and I needed to hear that. al over again. :)
Thank you Ashley. God bless you
Ashley, make sure you read Patricia's comment above. She may be someone you can talk to sometime. She has a great hear and comments frequently here.
Wow....excellent, excellent thoughts.
1 reply · active 786 weeks ago
Thanks Jason. For some reason your comment went in the spam folder. Weird.

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