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Tribute to the Staff of Grace Community Church

By February 2, 2009February 3rd, 2009Encouragement, Leadership

We have such an awesome staff at Grace Community Church. God has blessed us with people who love Him and love others and each of them has a true heart’s desire to be found faithful in their Kingdom work.  With the size of our church, by most standards we are under-staffed. We have a philosophy that everyone on our staff is a true minister.  There are no strictly administrative people working for Grace.  (I hope that’s always our philosophy.)  I want to take this opportunity to honor each of them for their special contribution to all God has done at Grace in the last 3 ½ years. Each of them encourage me in some way in what I do for the Kingdom.

Chad Rowland (Co-Pastor) 

Chad is my partner.  When we agreed to plant the church together the selling point for both of us was that either of us would have chosen to work for the other person.  Chad has the ability to take my weak ideas and make them far better.  He’s the “cool” of our partnership.  I also know that Chad is by far has a better pastor’s heart than me.  He truly cares for people and is so good at encouraging others.  Chad encourages me to consider people above progress. 

Michael Bayne (Director of Family Ministries)

Michael is one of the hardest workers I know in ministry. Michael excels best at connecting with students and their parents. I know on a Sunday morning that if I can get a visitor to talk with Michael, they will visit ReMix on Wednesday night.  Michael gives his attention to many areas of our church, even those he’s not directly involved in.  He’s a true team player.  Michael is creative, funny, and one of my favorite people in the world to pick on.  Michael encourages me to work harder and dream bigger dreams. 

Michael Higdon (Director of Creative Arts)

Michael has more talent and experience than we have yet to completely tap into as a church.  Everywhere I go people know Michael and are impressed with him.  Michael has the heart of a worshipper.  He likes real, authentic, genuine worship and has a true desire for us as a church to take people to the deepest places in their walk with God.  Michael is joining the other Michael in being someone I’m quite fond of aggravating.  Michael encourages me to continually find ways to point people closer to God.

Daniel Doss (Worship Leader)

Daniel was with us from the beginning. He took a leap of faith and trusted in Chad and me (really God) to plant a church that reached lost and hurting people in Clarksville.  Daniel’s golden voice instantly became a sticking point for those who visited Grace.  People love to hear Daniel sing and watch Daniel lead worship.  Daniel has a sincere faith in God and a loyal devotion to his wife, family and friends. Daniel encourages me to be more intentional in relationships.

Ben Reed (Director of Community Groups)

Ben is a bright and rising star in ministry.  His youthful enthusiasm is excelled only by his sincere heart, devotion and wisdom.  Ben is a “get it done” guy.  I love the way he networks in the church and with other churches. He is always learning new ways to improve in his work.  Ben is rock solid in his beliefs and unwavering in his commitment to his wife and new baby son.  Ben encourages me towards continual improvement in what I do.  

Karen Grizzard (Director of Volunteer Ministries)

Karen has a steadfast loyalty to Grace and it’s mission. She has a sincere desire to help other people and her heart for women, especially those who are hurting, is contagious. Karen is quiet, but her insight when she shares it is always dead-on accurate.  Karen allows her life experience to minister to others in her kind, caring, and understanding way.  She never turns down an opportunity to sit with another woman and lend a crying shoulder.  Karen encourages me to remember those who are hurting most. 

Katrina Watts (Director of Preschool Ministry/Family Ministry Coordinator)

Katrina has done a remarkable job organizing our preschool area.  Every church I have been in seems to always scramble for workers, but Katrina seems to have solved that problem for us at Grace.  Katrina’s heart though is in helping people.  I seriously believe Katrina probably ministers to more people personally than any person on our staff. There is hardly a day I don’t hear about Katrina impacting someone in a positive way. Katrina’s mother was a spiritual giant and Katrina becomes more like her everyday.  Katrina encourages me to take advantage of every opportunity to encourage someone. 

Christy Crosby (Director of Children’s Ministry)

Christy loves Grace Community Church.  As a member of the core group who started the church, Christy has always been ready to do whatever is necessary to help Grace flourish. She’s a wonderful mother and serves a role model for other moms in our church and community.  Christy is a great example of a Proverbs 31 woman. She works, supports her husband and family, and never seems to tire of doing good things for others.  Christy encourages me to continually invest my time in building young families in our church. 

Anne Loy (Financial Administration)

Anne is the master of organization. She makes my job so much easier by insuring the financial part of Grace runs smoothly and efficiently.  Anne is more than a number cruncher though.  Anne thinks for the church and always finds ways to save the church money or help us operate more effectively.  Anne is easy to talk to and genuinely fun to be around and she uses that well for Kingdom impact. She has a tremendous outreach to high school girls through her ministry, along with her husband, in Young Life.  Anne encourages me to be even more organized so I can accomplish much for the Kingdom.  

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Join the discussion 2 Comments

  • Michael says:

    I like those guys, I think I might go to that church!

  • Renee Garcia says:

    What a GREAT tribute!! We too appreciate you all at Grace! (Although I admit I don’t know who all these people are… I’ll have to fix that!) I can’t wait to see the amazing things the people of GCC accomplish in 2009!