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Those “recognized as leaders…”

By January 10, 2014Church, Leadership

I went up according to a revelation and presented to them the gospel I preach among the Gentiles — but privately to those recognized as leaders — so that I might not be running, or have run the race, in vain. (Galatians 2:2)

This passage spoke to me recently.

I see several things here…

For one…it addresses the critics I get frequently who denounce any mention of leadership in the church apart from that of Christ. Of course, Christ is THE leader. It’s His church. But, Christ works through people. Leaders. Inside the church. Don’t be afraid of the leader issue in church growth.

Second, this speaks to the way leaders lead. Leaders lead through leaders. Pastor, one strong piece of advice I have for you is to identify and work through the leaders in your church…specifically those “recognized as leaders.” They won’t always…many times aren’t…the ones the church has voted into an office. They are leading other places where people have “recognized them as leaders”. I often use something I learned in the business world (say it isn’t so Ron) called a stakeholder analysis to identify those influencers. (Read a post about that HERE.) Look for people who can lead. Apply the Biblical standards to them, with grace and truth, but let then lead.

Finally, it reminds me that we aren’t to run the race of leadership alone. Paul was operating under the revelation and authority of Christ, but he still surrounded himself with other leaders. He met privately with them. Spoke into their life…and…my suspicion is it was a mutually beneficial time together, since Paul also wrote to “encourage one another”.  Don’t try to be the Lone Ranger pastor. It’s dangerous. It’s ineffective. It’s not Biblical. Pastor, are you leading alone? Stop now!

What do you see in this passage?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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David Bullard's avatar

David Bullard · 583 weeks ago

I think the clause "so that I might not be running...or have run in vain" probably is viewed as applying only to the preaching of the gospel, but you might be running in vain if you are running ALONE. Just a thought.
1 reply · active 583 weeks ago
Absolutely. He surrounded himself with leaders so he could. Acts 6 model. 
I so agree! Jesus Works Through Us! And that is how He planned it and that is why He left His Holy Spirit for us! I believe that passage shows exactly what Jesus did. He spent time sharing the gospel message with large crowds but NOT at the expense of His 12 disciples, He intimately taught them, shared the message and His life with them, because they were the ones that He left the "Living Legacy" with and without that Living Legacy, we the church would not be here. He was passing the baton to the next runners! So Yes, we share the gospel to large crowds, but we had better be in an intimate sharing, growing together relationship with our leadership, because this is the "Living Legacy" that "grows on".... that keeps the Bride of Christ alive, relevant and moving into the next generation! When we were called forward to plant a new campus of our church, we were given an aluminum baton with the scripture etched in it....Run the race with excellence and that included passing that baton to our servant leaders.... I will never forget that moment...
Hi Ron

Please, also remember Jesus, in Mat 23:10 NASB, teaching His Disciples NOT to be called Leaders.
For you have “ONE” Leader. Christ. And NOT one of His Disciples called themself “Leader?”

Mat 23:10-12 NASB - New American Standard Bible.
Do NOT be called leaders; for “ONE” is your Leader, that is, Christ.
But the greatest among you shall be your “Servant.”
Whoever exalts himself shall be humbled;
and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted.

And, I’ve noticed, most who desire to be, or think they are, a pastor/leader/elder/overseer “Ignore” or “Twist” the “Qualifications” in 1 Tim 3:1-6, and Titus 1:5-9, for appointing elder/overseers, so they could obtain for themselves this “Title/Position” of - pastor/leader/reverend - that comes with - Power - Profit - Prestige.

What’s up wit dat? ;-)

Anyway, it was after I left “The Corrupt Religious System” of today, tore up my papers, and walked away from “Church Leadership,” that I realized Isaiah, had prophesied about my “Leadership skills.” And the “Leadership skills” of the rest of todays “Church Leaders.” No really... ;-)

Isa 3:12 KJV
...O my people, *they which lead thee* cause thee to err,
and destroy the way of thy paths.

Isa 9:16 KJV
For *the leaders* of this people cause them to err;
and they that are led of them are destroyed.

Some legacy todays “Church Leaders” are creating for themselves...

And I still can NOT find “Church Leaders” in my antiquated KJV.

And other sheep I have, which are not of this fold:
them also I must bring, and they shall “hear My voice; “
and there shall be “ONE” fold, and “ONE” shepherd.
John 10:16

If NOT now - When?

One Voice - One Fold - One Shepherd - One Leader

{{{{{{ Jesus }}}}}}

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