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7 of the Most Exciting Things a Pastor Experiences

There are many common factors pastors seem to get excited about in their work. Pastors get to see the best and worst of life, but there are so many positive things we get to experience.

Obviously, seeing someone become a follower of Christ or baptism of a believer, has to rank as a highlight of the pastor’s experience. This is what we are called to do. But, that experience isn’t unique to pastors. Every believer, hopefully, gets excited about seeing people’s entry into faith. This is the call of the church – not only pastors.

So, my list of the most exciting things a pastor experiences consists of things which may be more unique to the work of pastors. I’m not saying only pastors get excited about these experiences, but to pastors, these are especially exciting. I am certain different pastors will have different answers, which is where the comments section can make this post even better.

Here are 7 of the most exciting things pastors experience:

A child who loves church.

Children are the future of the church! Jesus loves the little children – and so should we. I love when a little child leads “them” to church – when I hear from a parent, “They woke up this morning excited it is Sunday!” That thrills me! I have little to do with the experience our children have a church – this is driven by other staff and volunteers (for whom I am eternally grateful), but when a child loves church, I know the parent is sure to be excited also. And, our future as an individual church is brighter.

Note takers and truth-livers.

Seeing someone follow a message closely gives me goosebumps of humility. Hearing pages of the Bible turn – that’s priceless. Even better, seeing people actually live the truths they are learning – don’t even get me started. When people start to understand the principles of grace and live out their faith individually, I feel we truly are living our mission of making disciples.

Sacrificial givers.

Whether in time, resources or talents, the church is built on people willing to invest in her work. The generous giver – who gives with no strings attached, and especially not seeking personal recognition – is a sure way to make a pastor smile – maybe even dance. And, honestly, there are always a minority who really learn and practice the principle and joy of giving, which may be what makes it so exciting when it happens. When I see a man or woman in the parking lot or a baby rocker in preschool, or someone who says “Pastor, I’m here to help you any way I can”, I am encouraged to keep going. Their enthusiasm for serving others encourages me.

Visitors and people who invite them

Visitors – could we grow the church and sustain it long-term without them? Of course not. Every person in the church today, unless they were born into it, started as a visitor. Every new church member and every new opportunity to add someone to our discipleship efforts starts with a single visit. I love people who invite. I love those who come when invited (and statistics are in our favor they will come if they are invited). I just want to hug them all. (I promise though not to hug you on your first visit – or ever if you prefer, because I want you to visit. Visit. Visit. Visit.) But, one of my favorite things on Sunday is meeting visitors and on Mondays following up on visitors.

True disciple-making.

Those who invest in others, to genuinely help them grow in their faith – and those who are truly becoming disciples – thrills me! Those who help people understand the principles of grace and truth – whether through individual mentoring or leading Bible studies – helps me know we are doing more than going through the motions. We are living the mission of the church.

New people joining the church

It’s not just because I like church growth, which I do. It’s because I know the church is a family and every pastor loves when the family grows. When people who have been visiting start coming more often, and eventually decide this is the church family – WOW! Exciting! I may try to look like it’s a normal day – I don’t want you to think we are desperate for new members, or scare you as I shout real loud, but inside, I’m bursting with joy.

When the church is the church!

I am encouraged when I hear someone is in the hospital and a church member has already made a visit, without being asked. I get excited when I hear needs within the church have already been met, because someone took it upon themselves to help. When individual church members are concerned more about those outside the church coming to faith than their personal comfort inside the church – I know we are being the church! When the church behaves like we were called to behave, without a staff member or me having to lead the effort, I’m energized. Elated. Blessed.

There is my list.

Pastors, what would you add?

In my next post I will share 7 of the Most Frustrating Things Pastors Experience.

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Ron Edmondson

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7 Most Frustrating Things Pastors Experience | Ron Edmondson

[...] You can now read my list 7 Most Exciting Things a Pastor Experiences. [...]
Dan Brubacher's avatar

Dan Brubacher · 611 weeks ago

I would add baptism testimonies. There is nothing like hearing how God transformed a human heart!
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
Great post! I am not a pastor so I don't have a viable comment, but I want to take this opportunity to say this:

Precious Pastors! There are hundreds of us praying for you on Fridays; it is our Pastor Pray Day. We love you, we honor you, we respect the call God has placed on your life and we thank AWE-GOD for it. Make sure your name is listed on our prayer list for Pastors from every nation: You and your name will be lifted up to God in prayer on our Friday Pastor Pray Day. God bless you!
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago

7 Most Exciting Things a Pastor Experiences | Church Leaders

[...] Church Leaders Article from [...]
Preacher\'s Wife's avatar

Preacher\'s Wife · 611 weeks ago

Seeing people "get it" and living it in their life. Seeing someone completely transformed by Jesus. And one that may seem small, but remembering the birthdays of the entire family. The kids love getting a birthday card in the mail. :)
1 reply · active 611 weeks ago
Great word. Love the birthday card idea.
When people accept Christ
1 reply · active 610 weeks ago
Absolutely. I put that in my opening paragraphs. That's what we are called to do.

7 Most Exciting Things a Pastor Experiences | Truth2Freedom's Blog

[...] [...]
I love baby/ child dedications. It's so encouraging to have parents ask the church to hold them accountable to raising their children to be God's children. I know that it's not fool proof, but it's a great and encouraging start.
1 reply · active 610 weeks ago
We've separated ours into a special event of its own. Parents love it.
I would add this: when you see one of your leaders effectively passing along knowledge and coaching to a young up-and-coming the same way you did with them.
1 reply · active 610 weeks ago

this went thru my mind | preachersmith

[...] Ministry: * 7 Most Frustrating Things Pastors Experience; * 7 Most Exciting Things a Pastor Experiences [...]
Pastor Gaddis's avatar

Pastor Gaddis · 601 weeks ago

When the members interceded for pastor's ministry, family & marriage!
1 reply · active 601 weeks ago

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I would ad, when MEN step up to the plate and start taking a leadership role. Leading their families to become more Christlike...seems many times the ladies get it quicker, but when a MAN take that rold, I'm thrilled!

7 of the Most Frustrating Things Pastors Experience - Ron Edmondson

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7 Frustrating Things Pastors Experience

[…] post, and the opposite one before it (7 of the Most Exciting Things Pastors Experience), actually began when I received this question on my […]

7 of the Most Frustrating Things Pastors Experience | ChurchPlants

[…] post, and the opposite one before it (7 of the Most Exciting Things Pastors Experience), actually began when I received this question on my […]

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