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“This is my commandment, that you love one another as I have loved you.” John 15:12

As believers, loving others is not to be an option, it’s to be a lifestyle. No one does that better than my wife Cheryl.

Recently we were on a 3 1/2 hour flight to San Francisco. I was in the window seat, Cheryl was in the middle, and a woman we didn’t know was in the aisle seat. I do some of my best work on a plane, so time seemed to pass quickly. I knew Cheryl was talking to the other woman, but didn’t pay much attention. I was in a zone and very focussed. (Cheryl’s always complimented me on being able to ignore everything around me ๐Ÿ™‚ )

At one point I looked up and Cheryl was crying…and so was this woman. Of course my first thought, as every man thinks when a woman cries, was “what did I do?” ๐Ÿ™‚ Once I realized it wasn’t about me this time, I said a little prayer for my wife…and went back to work. After we exited the plane Cheryl explained that this woman had just returned from her father’s funeral. Cheryl, who lost her father over a year ago, was able to minister to this woman on the flight to San Francisco. They traded contact information and Cheryl made herself available; all because of this brief encounter.

This week, Cheryl received this email:

I feel so blessed that in my time of need you not only sensed I was sad, but took the risk and reached out to me. I do believe fate put me in the seat next to you that day as you are still experiencing the same pain that was so new and raw for me. I will remember you and your act of kindness for the rest of my life. I will honor you, by following your example the next time I see someone in pain.

Thank you,

I love that. Seriously, I know I’m a pastor, but my church knows my wife is a better example of loving people than I am most days. She doesn’t love as a part of her ministry; she loves as a part of her heart.

Dear God, help me to love intentionally, like my wife does.

Do you know someone who is a model of intentional love? Pay tribute to them here.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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  • allan says:

    Great Cheryl. We bless people not only in time of success but in pain. Its good to know you shared how you dealt with your loss with this lady and how it helped her. Am encouraged to do the same

  • Bill Gallagher says:

    My wife, like Cheryl, is the example that I look to follow. She would have been the one talking to and consoling the woman in the aisle seat while I burried my introverted nose in a book.

    Great example..thanks for sharing.

  • ronedmondson says:

    Yes, She is!

  • @RobertPop says:

    What a great article! I enjoyed reading it 'cause it inspired me to rethink THE WAY I reach out to people and IF I do it often enough.