I love watching the dynamics of organizational growth and leadership. It is always interesting to me how people approach the position they are given. Some step up and lead quickly…others take a short time to adjust to the organizational culture before leading…some never move from employee to a leader on a team. I personally like to surround myself with leaders. It’s harder to lead leaders. Managing workers who are told every move to make is easier in structure, but, in my opinion, it’s more effective, more productive, and more fun to create environments that let’s people lead. (Read a similar post about this difference HERE.)
I want to encourage you to step across the line to leadership excellence. You don’t have to have a title or a position to be a leader in your organization. You just have to respond as a leader. Others will follow your influence. Too many people never take the initiative to personally become the leader God has equipped them to be. Moving from an average employee to one of excellence takes self-initiative. Are you up for the challenge?
Here are a few examples of what I mean by stepping across the line to leadership excellence:
Are you willing to step across the line? What would you add to my list?
Thanks James. That's a good one
Add under excellent, "Leaders give the credit and take the blame. Average people do the opposite."
Great add James. Thanks!
Awesome! As a 20 year old, I’m trying to learn all I possibly can about leadership. I love reading stuff like this. Thanks for posting this.
"Too many people never take the initiative to personally become the leader God has equipped them to be."
Absolutely correct – even sadder though is when current leaders to do not let go enough for people to step up.
Wow, great thoughts, Ron! Your blog is amazing! You and Michale Hyatt consistently have awesome leadership content! How is this possible! You should write a book, or speak at Catalyst or something. Are there any other leadership blogs this good? seriously.
sorry that's sooooooo over the top. But I promise it's my sincere thoughts & heart. I swear I'm not brown nosing.
Over the top is good
You are an awesome encourager Jesse! Thank you!
This is simply a great post!
I'm afraid we've so professionalized the concept of leadership that most people think they have to be incredibly unique to be a leader. Your post (and Seth Godin's book, Tribes) is helping to break down this stigma.
Thanks Scott! You are a great encourager. Just to be mentioned in the same sentence with Seth makes my day!
That is just not fair, even a pew pumper can do this. All it takes is a little initiative and an open leadership structure.
Ha! Love it!