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10 Things I Would Do Differently If I Could Do Life Over Again

By September 17, 2009December 28th, 2010Change, Encouragement, Life Plan

By all practical standards if I live a normal life, I’m at or past middle age.   Maybe it doesn’t happen to everyone like this, but my middle age crisis has caused me to reflect on life thus far…  (Certainly better than some crises I have heard)

Recently I was reflecting on what I would do in life if I had a “do over”. Have you ever wished you had a fresh start? If I did, here are 10 things I would do differently:

  • Took bigger risks earlier
  • Exercised more
  • Followed my dreams more fervently
  • Avoided the temptations to compromise
  • Stayed in touch with friends from high school and college
  • Saved more money
  • Worried less
  • Wrote down my experiences as I was experiencing them (I would have a best selling book)
  • Forgave others quicker and easier
  • Swallowed my pride a few more times (without life doing it for me)

Thankfully I have half a life (or so it may appear) to accomplish the list!

What would be on your list of things you would do differently?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

More posts by Ron Edmondson

Join the discussion 13 Comments

  • Edwin Dando says:

    would not have gotten married. would have stayed single, with the odd casual relationship but never to the point of having to financially support some one else. Would have minimised reliance on others much more than I already have as life has (sadly) taught me that others can’t really be relied on. Would have travelled more.

  • Kristen says:

    Oh everything you mentioned! And the comment about FEAR, oh curse-ed fear!

  • Victoria York says:

    Turned my back on fear.

  • Tracy says:

    My list would include:
    1. Chosen God’s way all the time (there were times when I wandered off and, I am gratefully living in His forgiveness, but there were consequences to my behavior).
    2. Been less involved in work to the point of missing out on some of my children’s events.
    3. Exercised more.
    4. Taken more time out to just enjoy the little things (I’m finally getting this at close to 50; wish I’d gotten it earlier!)
    .-= Tracy´s last blog ..The myth of having it all together =-.

  • *~Michelle~* says:

    I love your honesty…this is great.

    Hmmmmm, can’t really put it all down now…..but my main one would have been “met Christ” earlier……which probably would have helped with many of the screw-ups on my list, which would have to be much more than just 10!
    .-= *~Michelle~*´s last blog ..Top Ten Thursday =-.

  • Rick Yuzzi says:

    I would have continued with piano lessons when I was young, and not given up on sax in sixth-grade band. I have great respect for musicians, and wish I could play an instrument and read music better than I can (I sing in choir now).

    I also wish I would have invested the money my grandfather left me when I was nineteen like my parents had suggested, rather than buying an RX7. I would be very rich now.

    Hmmm…. a common theme… in general, I wish I would have listened to my parents more, since they knew what was best for me, and what I would regret later. Still, they let me make my own choices when appropriate.

  • Jon says:

    1. Take bigger risks
    2. Exercise more
    3. Save more money
    4. Learn more quickly and completely to give it all to Him
    5. Honor my wife more completely and consistently
    6. Moved on to a new job 10 years ago… although I am thankful for the one that I have
    7. Spent more time with the kids in the pre-teen years
    8. Not worried about money as much

  • Jeremy says:

    Exercise definately
    Take bigger risks–I am still young so I am able to do this.

  • Shelia says:

    Sold my vacuum and spent more time playing with my babies.

  • Jim says:

    Exercise, definitely…

  • Kim Dortch says:

    Thanks, Ron. Enjoyed this.