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7 More Tips for Finding Great Team Members

By January 8, 2014April 28th, 2023Church, Leadership

I can form a team. I don’t have many specialities, but this is one of them. I’ve posted before some of my thoughts on how to do this, but it is one of the leading issues about which church leaders talk to me, so I keep coming back to the issue.

These are considered an addition to THIS previous post.

Here are 7 tips for finding the best team member:

Hire based on culture. The staff at Immanuel is very different from the staff at the church plants where I led.

If married, interview spouse. I’ve said this so many times, but think it may be one of my most successful steps. It’s made or solidified the decision yes and no several times.

Use your gut. Call it your heart…your intuition…God’s Spirit within you…but that feeling inside that is telling you good fit or not…use it. And, if you’re married, rely in your spouse’s gut too. That’s double the gut power.

Character before content. Every time. You can teach content. You can actually model character, but if that’s your starting base you’ll be disappointed before you get there.

Passion over skills. This is similar, but slightly different. Here I’m talking about motivation. If your choice is between a seasoned professional who has lost their zeal and a newbie with incredible passion choose the newbie almost every time.

Check references not listed. The references they give you will all be good. Do your homework beyond this. It’s been said all of us are just a few connections away from each other. Well, I look for a few of those connections.

Team players before sole survivors. Except in rare cases today, work is done in teams. There are usually less of us for more work. That means we must learn to work together. Look for people who can do that best.

Those are more of my tips.

What tips do you have for finding great team members?

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

More posts by Ron Edmondson

Join the discussion 9 Comments

  • SHELLEY says:

    Someone can have a stellar resume, amazing accolades and glowing recommendations, but if there isn't that immediate chemistry, chances are that it won't work out. It boils down to this: If you are not on the same page as your team, then you're not a team at all. Thanks

  • @marcbuxton says:

    Ron, great post thanks for sharing. As far as checking references not listed, I have found Facebook to be a good source for getting the "inside look" at potential team members and employees. Do you utilize social media when hiring someone?

    • ronedmondson says:

      Absolutely. I think you're missing something if you don't check out their online presence. Hopefully potential staff members…and all of us…are aware of this. I may post about it. Thanks. 

  • Jenom Makama says:

    Very helpful. Thank you!

  • This is a really good list, Ron. These decisions depend so much on the intangibles. I would add this: take a little time. It's better to miss a good candidate occasionally than to hire the wrong person in a hurry.

  • kmac4him

    I like the reference to using your "gut" I kinda think that is the leading of the Holy Spirit!!
    A good tip I use is balancing my schedule so I can be involved where new people are involved, where I can watch, see and experience the gifts of people I don't know, because there in lies new leaders, who are already leading through various gifts, just don't know that they are soon to be discovered and discipled!