I have loved working with Catalyst over the last few years. Love what they are doing. Love how they are impacting the church by helping us think and lead bigger and better. Probably none of us realize the impact Catalyst has had on the Kingdom in the past decade or so. Catalyst is lead by an impressive guy. Brad Lomenick is a leader’s leader. He’s sharp, connected, and passionate about what he feels called to do.
Brad recently released The Catalyst Leader, a book only he could write. It’s a reflection on leadership from the perspective of where he sits, interacting with some of the more prominent Christian leaders of our day, but also with thousands of younger church leaders in our country. In the past 10 years of leading Catalyst, he’s learned a few things. Regardless of your time in ministry, this will be a helpful book.
Recently I asked Brad four questions about the book:
What is the Catalyst Leader about?
The Catalyst Leader lays out the eight essentials for becoming a change maker. The traits that I believe one must develop in order to become a change maker, and ultimately a Catalyst Leader. I hope this book will provide practical leadership answers for a new generation of aspiring leaders who are looking for answers and solutions, and not just leadership theory. It’s a practical guide for leading now, and leading well, serving as a leadership handbook for the next generation of leaders in our country. The book presents the key essentials that I believe will define our generation’s ability to influence over the next 20-25 years, laying out what it means to be a Catalyst in this generation. The Catalyst Leader is packed with a combination of candid interviews with thought leaders, research with the core leadership community, and overall leadership best practices. A rising generation of leaders need to be equipped for the task of leadership.
Why write this book now?
Because I believe we are at a crossroads of leadership in the US, and ultimately around the world. In fact, I believe we have a leadership crisis in our country. And based on the research we did in partnership with The Barna Group for the book, the survey and data would validate that assumption. We currently have a dearth of leadership in our country. In general, we trust our leaders less today than we have in the past. There is a lot at stake. And it’s time for a new generation of leaders to rise up and take charge. Catalyst has gathered leaders for 13 years now. We wanted to create a leadership guide, the “ultimate” handbook on influence. It’s our turn to lead now, but we have to make sure we are leading well. I want to see leaders all over the world take their leadership and influence to a whole new level. Lots of great leaders have created great leadership resources, but most of them aren’t peers to me or my generation. We wanted to create a community driven resource that would be a practical guide for leading over the next 20-30 years. I’m passionate about raising up great leaders, and I’ve devoted much of my life to convening and equipping leaders of all ages and stages in life who want to grow in their leadership abilities. And I’ve written the Catalyst Leader to empower you to lead better, and lead longer. Perhaps never before have so many young leaders been poised and positioned for influence. Scores of twenty and thirty somethings are running companies, nonprofits, churches, and social innovation projects. They don’t have 10-15 years to figure things out anymore; they need to be equipped and prepared for the journey now. Many leaders today have platforms that exceed their wisdom, experience and maturity. These leaders need the tools and know how for getting it right. I hope The Catalyst Leader is a resource for them to do just that. A roadmap for our generation to lead well. Our tribe and community of Catalyst leaders are in need of practical and relevant help in regards to their leadership and influence. We currently are dealing with a demise of leadership mentoring in our culture, especially in organizational life, and I want to truly help leaders lead well.
Talk about the 8 Essentials. A catalyst leader must be the following:
- Called by God to leadership and willing to seek his will
- Authentic and humble, becoming influential rather than impressive
- Passionate about God, committed to developing a heart for the creator
- Capable and determined, working harder than anyone on the team
- Courageous when the time comes to take a leap
- Principled in every decision made, unwilling to compromise for convenience
- Hopeful despite challenges, believing God can do what we cannot
- Collaborative, drawing on the strength of others and sharing praise
Living and leading by these essentials provides both spiritual and practical avenues to developing the qualities essential to leaders hoping to build a passionate, effective team that will last. This is not a book of theories. It is not a bragging autobiography from one successful boss. It is an honest and authentic examination of what you must be and do in order to empower and lead others to success and righteousness.
Who do you hope to impact with, “The Catalyst Leader?”
All leaders, but specifically those in the first half of their vocation life. I’m writing specifically to the called-but-not-yet-equipped leader. Young leaders (primarily in their 20’s and 30’s) who are called and passionate hopefuls who want to change the world but are unequipped, and need tools and a roadmap for how to get that done. I want to help me. I’m in the same boat as leaders I’m writing this book for. I am a called but not yet equipped leader. I desire to be a true change maker, and ultimately a Catalyst leader, but I know I fall short constantly. So I’ve written this book really for me and my peers, and ultimately my generation. This book is for anyone that leads, but the strike zone is a 35 yr old senior manager, church planter or senior pastor, innovator or entrepreneur. Take Jim, who runs a 2 million dollar small business with 20 employees. He needs someone to help him Lead well now. He’s trying to figure out how to lead with courage, to be a collaborator. Take my friend Shawn, who leads a thriving social innovation company. He’s grown from 5 employees to 50 in the past year, and wrestling with how best to manage his staff of 20 somethings. Take Hannah, a 23 year old recent college graduate who is struggling with trying to figure out what God has called her to. Take my friend James, leading a growing church in downtown Chicago, has board members who are difficult to manage and tension between his older staff and younger more progressive and innovative staff.
Thanks Brad for your time and for writing a most helpful book for the church today.
Buy the book HERE NOW.
Thank you for the inspiring post. Keep on touching people's lives.
Already reading it. Have hit chapter on capable. Has been a good book. Highly recommend it.
Thank you!