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Happy childhood

I was walking in the hall of our church building recently when I had to stop to let a classroom of children walk by me. We house a school in our building and an early childhood development center. It’s not unusual to encounter some of them on a daily basis. On this occasion, it was a class of what I would guess to be 4 or 5 years of age.

They were perfectly lined up by their teacher. They were behaving nicely. Their teacher was doing a great job with them. So cute.

All of a sudden. Out of nowhere. One little girl broke into meowing. Cat meows. She was good too. She didn’t know anyone else was around it seems. She simply started meowing.

I laughed. She didn’t seem to understand why. Her teacher told her to be quiet. She didn’t seem to understand why.

What is wrong with a little meowing anyway? Especially with such good pitch. I mean, it wasn’t a lion’s roar. That would be different, right? It’s a kitty cat. The cat’s meow.

But it made me think…

I want to be like that girl when I grow up.

Suddenly my mind reflected on another time in life…several years ago now…

When my youngest son was little he was often afraid at night. As long as he knew he could call and I’d be there…anytime at night…he was okay. He could sleep without fear. Without worry. And he tested that numerous times.

I want to be like that boy when I grow up.

I also want to skip and kick a can down the street and not worry about the effects on the environment. Just once. Random. I know.

I want to laugh more. Belly laugh. About things other people don’t even think are funny.

I want to enjoy my ice cream. All over my face, if needed. We can go to the bathroom later and wash it off. Or just go swing for a while. Whichever.

I want to climb a tree. A really big tree. Without a fear of heights or a fear of falling. I might even shout, “Look at me” from the top of that tree.

I want to take a run in the woods, jump in some puddles, and wear my play clothes all day.

Life is serious. Too serious. Very serious.

This world is a messed up scary place. Somedays it seems everyone is crazy. Doesn’t it? Even me. Who can I trust? Does anything make sense anymore? Anything?

But I know, I really do know, that my God is on His throne. He’s not moved. He’s in control. He has a plan. And, He loves me. He really does. He watches over me at night and counts the hairs on my head. All while making sure the stars are still aligned. And, I think He even laughs at my corny jokes. And at the cat’s meow of a little girl.

So when I grow up I want to trust more and worry less.

I want to enjoy life knowing someone else is in control. I want to laugh in the midst of sorrow knowing there is coming an answer. A resolution. Glory yet to be revealed. Knowing hope is here today. Not tomorrow. Today.

And, I want meow. Whenever I choose to meow. Life’s too short not to meow at will.

I can’t wait to grow up.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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Sunday night we watched home videos with my daughter and her husband from when she was 3 and 4-years-old. One Christmas, as part of a set of toys, she received a cat. The rest of the night while we opened presents she was heard in the background meowing. Meow, meow, meeeoooowwww! Girls are just good at that. :)

I want to be like that when I grow up, too!
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago

When I grow up… | Church Leaders

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When I grow up… | Worship Leaders

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Studying for grad school exam.
I desperately need to find me a swing.
One with long chains. Controlled freefall to fly!
Thanks for the smile through reminder.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
I was just sitting here after a meeting thinking about how hard ministry is sometimes and then read your blog. It's time to go outside and skip rocks in the lake and regain some simple joys. Thanks for sharing brother.
1 reply · active 622 weeks ago
I may join you! Thanks

Another good one RON | bosmos

[...] Another good one RON [...]
I want to do this...I want to do that. You don't say: I'm going to do this...I'm going to do that. You're going to wait until you grow up. Why not start now? Growing up is the opposite of being childlike--which is why some meow, jump puddles, run in the woods, wear their play clothes all day, worry less, laugh hard now.
1 reply · active 617 weeks ago

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