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Should I Consider Full-Time Vocational Ministry?

I get asked this question a lot…

I spent more than twenty years in business before entering vocational ministry. Many hear that and turn to me for advice on the subject of transitioning into a full-time ministry position. I realize after I’ve answered the same question numerous times that it’s a common issue and worthy of sharing here.

The jump into full-time, vocational ministry is scary, especially if you have to raise your own support, so I understand the weight of the question.

Here is an email I received recently:

(I changed a few details to protect identities, but left the intent the same.)

Dear Pastor Ron,

I am seriously considering moving into full time ministry within the next year. We are a small congregation but all agree and most are willing to help make that happen. We all feel this is what’s needed to grow our ministry, and that this is what God would have us do. Can you give us some advice?

God bless you,

Pastor Joe

Here is my reply:

Dear Pastor Joe,

Short answer, I would say when God calls, move quickly. The key for me in your situation is to ask, “Is this what God wants me to do?” It won’t be easy and you’ll be stretched, but where God calls He always provides. I stepped out with nothing and never had to beg for anything. The first year God provided at once and for a whole year all I had to do was draw from the reserves. The second year I had to wait at the mailbox for a check that always seemed to come at just the last minute. Either way….He provided.

My best advice: If God calls you to jump…jump fast.

In Christ,


Has God been calling you? I’d give you the same advice. Don’t delay obedience to what God calls you to do.

Don’t do it!

Find more thoughts on the call of God to ministry HERE.

Have you ever wrestled with what God was calling you to do? Share your story to encourage others.

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

More posts by Ron Edmondson

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  • Richard says:

    I have been called to ministry most my life, but have ignored the call. Now that I am older, I am ready to follow that call, but cant get anyone to take me seriously.

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  • SeekingHim says:

    Pastor Ron,

    Reading all the posts have been very encouraging. I believe that God has called both my husband and myself into full time ministry. It is been spoken over us several times as well. The problem is I don't even know the first thing to do to even try to step out on faith. Unlike many others, I am not the traditional minister. I feel that I am not well educate in biblical theology, or church traditions. I just have an affection for Christ. My husband on the other hand is much more verse and knowledgable of scripture and theology. I work as an Project Manager in corporate America. And although I am good at my job, I absolutely Hate it. I feel Empty everyday and I have no joy. Others have told me this is because I'm not doing what God called me to do. While I agree, I dont now how to fix this. We have 3 kids and a ton of debt. Our hearts would both love to step out into full time ministry, but don't know how. Whats the first step, we have no congregation, we have no money. All we have is our desire to do what the Father has called us to do.

  • ronedmondson says:

    I love the ministry of Dave Ramsey and would agree when planning our personal finances. I would never say "go into debt" to launch a ministry, but I believe even Dave would say if God is calling you to do something you have to follow His lead. That being said, I don't believe God would violate His own principles of financial stewardship, which Ramsey teaches, to implement His plan. In the area of trust, however, what boat was Abraham jumping into, or Moses leading the Israelites across the sea, or Joshua and Caleb into a new land. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things "NOT" seen.

  • Ben Steele says:

    Yes, I have definitely agonized over finding God's purpose for me. I've never felt I had qualities that people look for in a leader. You know how so many leaders just have those intangibles that make people want to follow them? Yeah, that's not me. But over time I have felt a growing passion to teach and explain Scripture.

    I wrote about it in a post called "Finding My Voice" on my new blog.

    Thanks Ron.

  • Eric says:

    Thank you for your post. It was very timely for our family. This is the year we will be transitioning from corporate America to full-time vocational ministry. It took years to learn, but I realize now that not trusting God in regards to vocation only leads to frustration. Nothing can replace the peace of God which in found in His will.

  • Melissa says:

    Ron, we are thankful you listened…and trusted.

    May we all learn to do the same, in whatever situation we are trying to seek guidance for.

  • Awesome post! I started doing bi-vocational ministry less than two months ago, and I like it very much. It has its challenges, but also its blessings. I may move into full-time vocational ministry in the future, but our five children (two have "special" medical needs) make it difficult for a church to "afford" our family. The medical costs for insurance, dental, and vision cost way too much.

    But I agree with what you said. If God calls you to ministry…you better start ministering!

  • Shon Bradford

    Thanks for this post Ron!

    I’ve been married for 6 years and have 3 children under the age of 6. My family and I have served as stipend/volunteer youth pastors at the same church for going on 5 years. I’ve been in youth ministry for going on 11 years and never full-time. I do feel God has called me into full-time ministry but I’ve never had the opportunity to take that step. It’s now almost more like a fantasy than a God promised calling. That is until now.

    Our church is both on the verge of buying a new building and bringing on a 2nd full-time pastor in the near future. All signs indicate that when the time comes I will get the opportunity. However, I make good money at the university I’ve worked at for the last 4 years and understand our church probably won’t be able to match that salary.

    I realize going into full-time ministry is far from a get rich quick scheme and I’m prepared to take that step of faith when the time comes. I’m working now to do what I can to prepare my family financially if/when that opportunity comes. Believe me I’m no doubt going to jump on the chance when it comes. I just have to get my personal finances in order to make sure I’m able to do that.

    I’ve already received some words of caution from family members that think it would be foolish to take a cut in pay for ministry. And we’ve already experienced some moments when our small stipends have taken longer to come than we would like. However, I’m going to believe God will provided.

    The tough part is knowing when to have faith and knowing when to exercise caution.

    • ronedmondson says:

      I understand….I really do. I go back to the key. If God is saying it's time, it's time. When I surrendered to the ministry my boys were in elementary and middle school. At the same time, God certainly works through bi-vocational settings. He did that for me for a time. It sounds like He is working with you in that setting now. You'll know when and if He wants you to jump. I would say, however, that you can't plan it to "make sense". A God-calling usually doesn't, in my experience. It requires faith, stretches us, and makes sense to a God whose thoughts are not our thoughts.

  • Craig says:

    Following God's call is always best – good thoughts – thanks.

    I came to your blog from the church relevant site top 200 list. They have created a tremendous forum for finding new blogs that impact people.

    I hope my blog can be an encouragement to you also.

    I write it for encouragement and motivation daily.

    Thanks for sharing. Looking forward to watching the connections grow!

  • Steven says:

    My wife and I are in the very midst of working through this issue now. I've been "stalling my calling" for far too long because of my own fears. But in the face of it all, it comes down to faith and trust in God, and my taking action to make it happen.

  • Chris Walker says:

    And sometimes when you jump, it is a long way to the other side. I am still waiting to land after almost 2 years, but God has provided all the way through.