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7 Things I Love About My Wife

He who finds a wife finds a good thing and obtains favor from the LORD. Proverbs 18:22

I posted this over 6 years ago, but things have changed. My wife is a different person. She’s a grandmother (Granna). We are more seasoned as empty-nesters. She has found some new rhythms in ministry and new opportunities to invest in others and serve.

But, many things remain the same.

Here are 7 reasons I love my wife:

She loves God more than she loves me – I love her faith and commitment to Christ. She challenges me in my spiritual walk. She consistently shares her faith with others and her prayer life is so much stronger than mine.

She knows how to love – No one loves people like Cheryl loves people. I’d bet money on it if I were a betting person. The odds are out of this world. Cheryl especially loves her family and friends. You’re blessed if she’s in your life and, even more so, if she gives you one of her famous hugs.

She laughs when no one else laughs – She still gets my jokes and thinks I’m funny. Girls, you have no idea how important that is to a man.

She invests her everything into everything – Cheryl is a giver. She gives her entire heart and being to others. (I often think she still works part-time just because we couldn’t afford her level of giving otherwise.) If you’re in her life, you’ve most likely been a reciprocate of her generosity and thoughtfulness.

She is my partner – Cheryl loves doing anything with me. Anything. I don’t always understand it, because her mother or friends would probably be better at picking out the home decor, but she would always choose me even for things like this. One reason I reserve Saturdays for her – whenever possible – is she fuels on time together. It’s her love language.

She’s got my back – If you want to see the sweet, gentle, kind Cheryl get upset, just say something negative about me (or our boys). She has a strong side and it’s seen best with her defending someone she loves. It’s comforting knowing, regardless of how difficult my life and ministry might be, Cheryl is always in my corner.

She respects me – In marriage counseling and teaching, I always share this as a man’s greatest need. It’s even commanded in Ephesians 5. Cheryl does this like a pro. I can honestly encourage the women in our church to follow her example here.

These are 7 things I love my wife. There are many others. I’ll start with these.

Happy Valentine’s Day, Cheryl!

(Feel free in the comments to tell me why you love your spouse.)

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Ron Edmondson

Author Ron Edmondson

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You very blessed. Happy valentine to your family :)
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
I agree with Alice; you are truly blessed - and so is Cheryl :)

Just a moment to pray for those of us on this day of love who don't have wives, or husbands, who exhibit those traits. But I'll speak specifically to men, since I am one.

To the men who are married who didn't get that special gift this morning or a kiss or a hug. To those with wives who don't love or respect your properly. To those with wives who do not have your back or are not partners in the real sense of the word. Don't despair. God has a plan for that marriage and I pray that the temptations of the world do not interfere with that. Keep your eyes focused on Him as the supreme planner and caretaker of you and your marriage. Keep in your heart the words of Ephesians 5:25 and Phil 2:3-4. Remember that your marriage is more about the relationship between Christ and the church than it is about making you happy. Be the man, in the truest sense of the word. Look at how you can serve her without expecting anything in return. Carry her pack, not just the extra mile, but for the whole journey. See where you can lead and lead. Be the example to her of how a Christian spouse behaves. Love her wholly, serve her totally, respect her always, honor her with all your heart, protect her with your life and provide for her every need. Work on truly fixing any of your failures by putting your eyes on Him all the time and ask for forgiveness and put those sins behind you.

That's the best Valentine gift you can give her and yourself. And, yes, I live this life every day; and although it's hard, I know that I am truly blessed to have her in my life and I am truly, totally hers.
3 replies · active 682 weeks ago
Jon, on my Facebook page I posted something about broken-heart syndrome. It is real. Praying for you.
Thanx, Ron, great verse.
So to actually answer your question...I love her because she is God's choice for me, even if she doesn't see that right now. I love her because that's my role as husband; but I truly do love her; it is not just because that's my job. I love her because God's given to me that gift of unconditional love for her. I love her because I don't know how not to love her.
Your wife is an awesome example for other women. Thank you for sharing her with us today. My husband has stood by me through so many struggles in life, and he is the reason (a gift from God) that I have found victory in so many ways. He's steady and consistent balanced with spontineity. God sure knows what he's doing when he matches spouses together.
1 reply · active 682 weeks ago
That's awesome Kari.
Your wife loves God more than she loves you and you LIKE that? I don't understand that sentiment. What has God done for her to make her love him so much? Haven't you done so much more? I know you would die for your wife and you would do anything for her and you are actually there for her and actually listen to her and help her. God does none of these things.
1 reply · active 674 weeks ago
Oh, but I believe He does...
One of the reasons I love my spouse, Njeb,is because she respects so much, I feel undeserving sometimes. Thanks for sharing.
thank u sir for sharing such powerful love with your wife and that it is reciprocated. To God be the glory and that's the beauty when Jesus is in it . thank God my husband and i share the same for many years now and we both feels like we've just met and in love. so to those who are struggling don't give up keep working on it and trust God.

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