Recently I posted 10 Lies Men Believe. As expected, whenever I post about men the women ask when I’m doing a companion post. Several women said they often believe the same lies as the men. I don’t doubt that. Some men will believe some of the lies in this list also.
Let me make this clear. I am not a woman. If you weren’t sure, now you know.
In my role as a pastor and counselor, however, I have observed the differences in men and women for years. It does appear to me that the most common lies we believe…at least the ones the enemy uses against us most often…are often different. Again, these are by observation only.
Here are 10 lies women often believe:
I will never let someone hurt me again
I can depend on this guy to meet all my needs
I think everyone is talking about me
I’m not as beautiful as she is
I can’t do that even if I try
I must do ________, so I’ll be loved
I won’t let it hurt my feelings
I’m not good enough for him
I’ll never recover from that mistake
I know this guy would never disappoint me
I continually encounter women who have been emotionally injured or heart-crippled, because they are believing lies fed by the world, broken dreams or misplaced full devotion. The only way out of a lie is with truth. You might begin by reading Psalm 139:14, Jeremiah 31:3, 1 John 4:8, 1 Samuel 16:7 or Proverbs 31:30.
But, since I’m not a woman…
What do you think? What other lies do women believe? Perhaps some women will educate me now
cool and useful piece of info
I'll never be good enough at this/ for him.
My only worth is in my appearance.
Thank you for this list! I have believed these and so many more, and the biggest one of all was ” God couldn’t possibly use me after all I’ve done!” God bless you Pastor!
I've heard that before.
Twitter: mrsmilton0304
I once believed I couldn’t function as a woman without a man in my life. I thought being alone was the end of the world and I lived far away from God’s safety so in order to maintain that lie.
Thanks Ron for this post on gender psychology. It is good to know aware and avoid misunderstandings.
Thanks Uma
Excellent book here. I've read it and loved it.…
Thanks for sharing!
Big one I hear is
"I have to be able to do it all, perfectly" (perfect wife, perfect mom, perfect employee, perfect church volunteer, etc…)
Thanks for sharing.
For being a male this is very accurate. Apparently, some men do listen!
Thanks Sarah
“I am too much & need to be reigned in.”
Thanks Meredith
I should take care of others first and then myself.
Thanks Melissa
Another lie that women believe in relationships involving any type of abuse including physical, mental or verbal is "if I stay he will change" or "it's probably my fault anyway".
Thanks Patty
"I can fix/help him/them change" is a big one. Usually young women but not always.
Thanks Ann.