Why the Baby in a Manger?
Comments (7)

"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL THE PEOPLE". Luke 2: 10 (NIV)
I once had a friend give me a dog. A Boston Terrier; you may not think that to be very much, but Jack has turned out to be a fantastic companion as well as a well trained pet! I am not comparing my Savior to my dog, but there is one similarity: They neither one did what they were supposed to do (Jack was to belong to my Mother, but adopted me instead! Jesus , no white stallion or sword), and yet both came to fill a void I could not fill on my own. Sometimes the best gifts we get come in smaller packages and from the most unexpected sources!
Right from birth to death at the cross, He was denied a place in this earth. But are giving place to Him in our heart? That's question I ask myself many times.
World is an amazing place and I appreciate God for putting us in such resourceful world. There are so many beauties around and I feel sometime sad that someday everyone have to leave this wonderful world, but then next thought gives me joy, after death people will have their real life where actually no end of life and there is no tension on death.
Comments by IntenseDebate
World is an amazing place and I appreciate God for putting us in such resourceful world. There are so many beauties around and I feel sometime sad that someday everyone have to leave this wonderful world, but then next thought gives me joy, after death people will have their real life where actually no end of life and there is no tension on death.
Right from birth to death at the cross, He was denied a place in this earth. But are giving place to Him in our heart? That's question I ask myself many times.
That's a great question
Twitter: bryankr
I once had a friend give me a dog. A Boston Terrier; you may not think that to be very much, but Jack has turned out to be a fantastic companion as well as a well trained pet! I am not comparing my Savior to my dog, but there is one similarity: They neither one did what they were supposed to do (Jack was to belong to my Mother, but adopted me instead! Jesus , no white stallion or sword), and yet both came to fill a void I could not fill on my own. Sometimes the best gifts we get come in smaller packages and from the most unexpected sources!
I love that illustration
"I bring you good news of great joy that will be for ALL THE PEOPLE". Luke 2: 10 (NIV)