I’m the old guy on our team, so young whipper snapper leaders like Ben Reed, Adam Bayne and Brandon Reed love to mess with me at times.
Brandon loves to point me out in emails as the old guy, Adam recently squirted me with a super-soaker water gun (in front of a crowd of people), and Ben tweets funny things he thinks I say.
Recently Ben Tweeted, “Just heard @RonEdmondson say, “The reality is the reality.” #ProfoundWisdom”
I’ve got more where those came from…just so you know!
Here are some true sayings that are true:
- It is what it is…
- If you get in the water you’re going to get wet…
- You can only see what you can see…
- If you touch a hot stove you’re gonna get burned…
- You can only do what you can do…
- If you ain’t got it…you ain’t got it…
- You didn’t lose it if you never had it…
- The truth is the truth…
- A lie is a lie…
- You’ll end up where you’re headed…
I know…deep right? You’re mesmerized, aren’t you?
Seriously, the older I get, the more I realize that no matter how many truths we think we know…we don’t always really know them. 🙂
One of my most quoted favorite verses in Scripture is Ecclesiastes 11:3:
If the clouds are full, they will pour out rain on the earth; whether a tree falls to the south or the north, the place where the tree falls, there it will lie.
Sometimes the obvious truth is the deepest truth. After all, if it’s true…it’s true.
Listen to me young leader…there’s wisdom in them there words. 🙂
What would you add to my list? What’s an obvious true saying that is true?
Remember people on the way up as you will meet them on the way down..
That's good. Thanks
•Ask and you will get
•Seek and you will find
•Knock and the door will be opened to you
Those are brilliant….You have good sources 🙂
People choose their own choices, all the time.
Yes. Every time.
My grand daughter said this little nugget just the other day. "All that I know is what I know" Sounded brilliant to me!
It is brilliant. It keeps you from acting upon things you don't know…and makes you a life-long learner/wisdom. From the voice of babes!
Righteousness is always right
Pretty is as Pretty does…thanks Mom…..
If a job is worth doing…it's worth doing right…thanks Dad…
Good ones. Smart parents.
Here's one I'm using in my message this Sunday:
If you'd never been born, you wouldn't be alive.
That's good. And deep.
One of my favorites…
No matter where you go, there you are.
You better know it.
Ron – I find it interesting that you didn't list Michael Bayne as one of the young whipper snappers. I guess he's middle-aged over there huh?
Here's a true saying I've heard Rick Warren repeat several times: "All leaders are learners. When you stop learning you stop leading."
Michael is very, very old…at least in his actions on our staff. He's also not worthy of a mention in a post on wisdom.Just kidding. Seriously, Michael is in a season of dispensing wisdom. I learn from him. 🙂
I don't mean to go off on a tangent here, but the first thing I think of is the gospel. It's not that it's simple, but that we so often think it is. We hear that at our conversion and think "Ok, I got that – now let's move on." We chase after the "deeper" spiritual matters, but there's nothing more profound than the earliest truths we learned – that Christ came to die in our place to set us free.
That's not a tangent. That's truth. Funny I just said to someone in a meeting “The Gospel is the Gospel”
Haha, that's pretty good.
Twitter: Benreed
"When you get old, you start making up sayings and calling them 'wisdom.'"
And you gain more authority. Enough to fire people. 🙂
I was reading through Matthew this morning and Jesus said in 28:24 "Where the corpse is, there the vultures will gather." Jesus is of course talking about false teachers, but it's pretty common sense and to the point. I like that and need that!
Very good. I see numerous times in Scriptures where the obvious is stated.
Your in the spot your in because you want to be there.
I can live with that.
if you play with fire you will either get burnt or smell like smoke.
Wisdom my friend. Wisdom.