I’m looking for some new blogs to follow. I may or may not know you have one.
Today, I’m giving you permission to brag on yourself.
Gotta blog? Let me hear from you. Comment on this post and give me your blog link. I’ll check it out (and so will many of my readers.
(For even more exposure, retweet or share this post on Facebook.)
Let’s find some great new blogs!
Thank you for the opportunity to share my blog. I share my thoughts on learning and leading at http://fromtheprincipalspen.wordpress.com/. I've enjoyed reading your blog.
http://douglascrumbly.com/ The 5 Things Every Church Leader Must Do-Now is my last post.
Thank you!
Ron your posts are inspiring! Thank you for the opportunity to share my posts with you and your readers. hope you have a chance to check them out. My posts are insights that motivate me to live for God and enjoy life no matter what may. My prayer is that “The Words That Breathe Life” flow like deep fresh water in someone else soul and breath hope, joy , love they need to conquer life , courage to press through. http://blog.graceonthecoast.com/
I will. Thanks.
Thank you so much for doing this. My blog is called Positive Fountain and it's full of positive affirmations, believing in yourself, power of gemstones, the law of attraction, etc. http://dusana-attracthappiness.blogspot.com
Thanks for the opportunity. I am a freelancer who like to share his thoughts on multiple blogs. My latest post is on Eurozone crisis – http://pot-boil-ers.blogspot.in/2012/06/judgement…
I review photography products and some gadgets like the iphone. Here http://dudeslrphotography.blogspot.com/ . Thanks -DudeSLR
I blog about playing the guitar and whatever challenges you face during your musical path. I write about things like practicing, ear-development, music theory and all sorts of stuff.
Check out my completely original serial science fiction novella blog.
It centers on Marcus Metiline, a patent mediator, who is commissioned into the most lucrative assignment of his life. His employer, the eccentric CEO of The Belis Corporation.
In the middle of the last century The Belis Corporation took steps to monopolize technology and therefore the free market. Through successful presidential backing and strategic proprietary purchases, The Belis Corporation became the most powerful corporation in the US. In The corporate city of San Jose, California, in the year 2012, Marcus Metiline makes a discovery that threatens the entire BelisCo empire, and Colin Belis and his machine will need all of their power to stop him.
Ideas Have no Borders
Teaching about diversity and the importance of respecting each other to become on cohesive society. The United Foundation for Global Youth blog encourages people to look from other's perspectives. Our organization is run by children for children. http://www.helpglobalyouth.blogspot.com
I currently maintain two blogs.
– http://www.christintheword.com – Short devotional, Christ-centered articles to encourage Christians on the pathway of life.
– http://www.gegraptai.com – This blog is only a couple of months old. Right now, its main purpose is to help bible Students learn how to use two Bible Study tools: Scripture Diagramming and Bible Arcing
Thanks for sharing both.
What if a community of learners formed to teach other and learn from each other? What if they could teach and pass on lessons more relevant than any slow moving educational reform could ever offer? What if this all was more like AA meetings than an MBA class? From these and other questions emerged the Secret School of Business. Here's our blog: http://secretschoolofbusiness.com/category/Blog/ Our mantras/DNA are: Learners not lurkers, 2 are better than 1, and don't get ready, get started. See what you think Ron.
Keep creating…lessons worth learning,
Love it! thanks for sharing Mike!
iwokeupyesterday.com is three women, writing to understand, AND writing to be understood, sharing HIS story of redemption, leading others to deeper life change, by opening up about tough topics like sexual abuse, drug recovery, death of a parent, struggles of being a leader, dreams. we are moms to 10 kids, church leaders, wives, and friends.
Sounds awesome. Thanks
I do, although it's no longer Friday… But I live in Korea and must adhere to the insanely busy Korean schedule… anyway… my blog is anneroyster.blogspot.com
Hope you'll enjoy!
Thanks for sharing. People will continue to look through comments.
I give up! Click on my picture!!!
Let's try that again…
<a title="Christian Faith At Work" href="http://christianfaithatwork.com">Christian Faith At Work
I take a couple of days off and I miss this?!?!? Though late, I will jump in anyway!
My name is Chris Patton and I have started a new blog called <a title="Christian Faith At Work" href="http://christianfaithatwork.com">Christian Faith At Work. I am writing it to business owners and leaders who are trying to figure out how to integrate their Christian faith into their businesses.
By including the resources I have accumulated over the past eight years of learning to use my business as a vehicle for ministry, as well as real-life examples from my experiences, I will teach the readers how to run their business from an eternal perspective.
They will not only learn from the resources I have gathered, but they can also interact with someone who is actually doing it, learning from my mistakes and victories.
Come take a look! I would love to hear your thoughts!
People are still reading these. Not too late!
My blog is http://www.journeyofworship.com where I focus on worship, worship leading/planning, and creativity. A lot of the content is directed at people involved with worship and creative ministry, but there are also plenty of posts that address worship in general for everyone. Plus, sometimes I just post something random because I like it. Hope that you'll visit and be encouraged on your journey of worship.
Thanks Chris. I've been to your site. Hope others will too. Great site!
Thanks, Rob. Appreciate it very much.
Sorry, "Ron". My fingers were moving faster than my brain.
I've been called Rob enough times to accept it
Pastorstacy.blogspot.com I write devotional type blogs. Most are taken from the news or personal experiences. Give it a try!
I'm just a dude who shares what God is doing in my life and what He is showing me: http://zippocain.blogspot.com/
Share away! Love it!
I write some thoughts every day to help my "buffet my body daily" over at http://dailybuffet.butcherville.com/. It's usually a simple thought or observation to help me ( and others) renew and stay focused on things that are important. check it out. Jason
I will. Thanks.
Hey, my name is Jason Walters and I am an author and co-creator of OneBeatBlog. My team and I are a youth ministry blog from people who are working in youth ministry. Our goal is to unite the hearts of people in influential position in students' lives. We want to join together parents and youth workers, and equip them to teach and grow their students to impact their generation. You can check out the purpose of our blog here: http://onebeatblog.wordpress.com/our-purpose/ or our homepage and most recent blog here: http://onebeatblog.wordpress.com. Thanks! — Jason
The Bow Echo: Creativity + Influence That Gets on The Radar http://robbinsbrandon.wordpress.com/
Christian Life & Leadership: http://www.joshuamhood.com
Twitter: JeremyPostal
Love your blog! Keep ’em coming.
I discover exciting management issues and write about them on the What Do You Want From Them Blog: http://www.whatdoyouwantfromthem.com/blog
That sounds great. Thank you for sharing.
I write this blog because I'm convinced God can uses creativity to lead us to better Relationships, Leadership and Impact.
Love it!
Thanks for this great opportunity, Ron. My blog and ministry is "Messy Marriage" and is all about providing resources and support through real-life and relevant articles that help those who feel overwhelmed by the challenges in marriage. Our bottom line is to point our readers to Christ who is the Great Redeemer of all messes in our lives and marriages. My site can be found at – http://www.messymarriage.com/
That's a great title. Marriage can be exactly that, but I love watching God take something messy and make it beautiful!
Twitter: jonathanpearson
JonathanPearson.net I blog about 4 times a week. Thanks for linking these, Ron!
You've got a great blog.
Just opened my Google Reader and saw this post, so I'm a couple days late. Enjoying several of the blogs listed
— Anyway, Grace For Life – "Slaying The Dragon of Legalism Because Grace Didn't End With Salvation" graceforlife.com
I love this Terry. Singing my song
Twitter: tammyhelfrich
Thanks for allowing us to post! I always love your blog.
Thank you for allowing us to share, Ron. My blog is at http://www.mustardseedyear.com
There are a lot of great blogs listed in these comments. Michael Perkins' blog is great.
Thanks. Yours is good too
Here's my blog: http://www.jeffrandleman.com. I write reviews and write on leadership and ministry.
Thanks Jeff!
I blog about practical spirituality for this thing called life at http://revtrev.com. I enjoy reading lots of blogs and will check a lot the ones here. Blessings
Thanks Rev! Love your blog.
Hey Ron, thanks for doing this. I'm a worship leader, artisan, and instructor. I blog to Encourage Wholehearted Worship Worldwide. http://www.robstill.com/
My posts include free music downloads, practical worship leading tips and theology of worship.
That's unique. I like it. Thanks.
Twitter: tijuanabecky
My blog is on Embracing Change related to either Christ, Church, Change, Community, or Children. http://tijuanabecky.wordpress.com
That's a needed subject. Thanks!
I appreciate my pastor's blog, with whom I have served for 22 years. He's the real deal—a great leader, Christian man, and spiritual mentor. http://www.paulchappell.com
Thanks for passing along your pastor's blog. I love that loyalty in a friend.
I blog at http://www.chriswalkerlive.com. It is a personal blog without any specific direction other than what happens to be on my mind.
the mind is a great place to start a blog
Thanks Chris
I write about leadership, success, personal development, and strengths. my leadership blog can be found at danblackonleadership.com
Lets try the link again danblackonleadership.info
This is actually my wife’s blog. I thought I share it with everyone here. We have a 10 month old son and my wife Elaine has written some parenting stuff she found helpful in our bringing up baby Christopher. Hope you guys will be blessed when reading it. Oh by the way Elaine is quite a techy so there are some other useful tech info I hope will help you too. I thank God for a lovely and smart helper who is my everything, second to God.
Thanks Ron!
I blog about branding, marketing, communications and all things digital including social media and web stuff over at http://www.stevefogg.com
You have a great blog! Thanks
I am attending a local Bible college. I have no car and a teenaged daughter. I am a single mom. This poor blog I started it secular. Then I started talking about faith. Now I am back a little more secular. I started one connected to it more about my adventures with the teen. I need to move to Word Press….gggggrrr anyway http://toscasac.blogspot.com/2011/05/do-you-have-…
Thanks for sharing. I was raised by a single mom. Keep at it!
Hi Ron,
Great idea for expanding your blog pool; I first came across your writing through twitter and have read a number of your posts and have found them to be interesting and practical. i blog on successful Christian living, Christ-centered ministry, the Church and vocation. You can find me at http://www.thegloryofthegrind.wordpress.com Stop by and give a read.
Thanks! I will.
About two months in to receiving your blog posts, Ron. I would appreciate any constructive feedback on this practically brand new site.
Thanks for sharing. I'll check it out.
My blog is at http://kingjames72.wordpress.com and it is entitled "Random Love." It is my random comments about the amazing love of God.
I am a Christian blogger and digital artist who (incidentally) types with a headstick due to Cerebral Palsy. My blog, The Things That Come Out Of My Head, is a journal, of sorts, covering everything from my adventures in Boston to my digital painting. In all my posts, however, my desire is to encourage Christians and show Jesus to non-Christians. Ron, thank you for this opportunity to share my blog: http://debsheadstick.blogspot.com/
Cycleguy's Spin at billgrandi.com
Thanks Bill
I recommend Bill's Blog!
Thanks Ron – I appreciate your blog and what you post of facebook. Thanks for giving us a chance to share as well. My Fruit Producing Ministry blog is about looking at ministry from a systems perspective and helping to focus on God's important mission for His church…
Ron, it was great to meet you at the CCB conference in CO Springs. My blogspot is http://www.danielrwentworth.com
i blog about Leadership, Missions, Parents & Teens, Sports and various Bible topics from my 31 years of ministry experience. I just started blogging and using Twitter 6 months ago. I'm loving it and learning so much.
Thanks for the love on your blog.
Great topics. Thanks Daniel
http://www.2ndmanunited.com/ – Reading Christian Books – Writing Christian Music
Readers can follow along through books about deeper Christian life and I write and produce original Christian music about the issues I read about…
That's great! Thanks!
All these two blog people! I can barely keep up with one, but I love the intentionality!
curating the best of life, architecture, and the Bible
Thanks Kyle
I have written words of encouragement to the Body of Christ for over 16 years but within the last year, I began a blog at http://aviewfromserenityacres.blogspot.com . My husband and I have served the Lord for 40 years…as long as we have been married. Thank you for making this an opportunity to share my blog link. I pray that any who come and visit will be blessed and encouraged! Soli Deo Gloria!
You've peaked my interest. Thank you.
Thanks for doing this!
My family and I are in the transition process between career (15 years in project management and leadership development) and Full-time missions. My wife and I blog at our ministry site http://ledbytheword.com
Additionally, I maintain a personal blog at http://mdsimants.com
My musing are mostly about faith and the development of it within our lives.
Sounds great. Thanks for sharing.
I started blogging because God told me to do so. I typically write about my struggles and how God and His Word are helping me to overcome ME =) Btw, I do enjoy your blog. Thank you for writing it =) http://thecheesewasonsale.blogspot.com/
That's a great reason to start!
Hi All –
Recently, I started blogging on teamwork and collaboration in the church, trying to bring communication resources to pastors and church leaders to help them be more effective in ministry. You can find my blog at http://www.ryanhartwig.com.
I'm a professor of group and organizational communication at Azusa Pacific University and write as a practical academic regarding: developing and working in elder/leadership/executive and ministry teams, creating collaborative organizational structures and practices, and facilitating life-changing small group (a.k.a. community, home, or discipleship group) experiences in church and other ministry contexts.
Ron, thanks for your blog and your insights.
And all, thanks for checking out what I'm doing — I hope its helpful to you!
Thanks Ryan. I'm certain I can learn from you!
Hey Ron, thanks for the opportunity to share my blog. The Blog is Worship Evaluation: Asking the Right Questions. http://kncsb.org/blogs/dmanner. It is a blog challenging worship leaders and worshipers to evaluate worship based on the deeper issues of biblical, historical, and theological content instead of just evaluating based on style. It also offers suggestions to consider to be more effective in our leadership and relational skills.
I like the description. Thanks David
Your blog is excellent David!
thanks ron. here's my blog: http://blogs.nsb.org/jonathanalexander/
i write on leadership, pastoral ministry, reflections on recent messages & series, occasional book reviews. my most recent post is a veteran's day reflection on being an army veteran (airborne ranger) and a pastor.
Thanks for sharing Jonathan!
I am an older-than-dirt youthworker; converted in jail enroute to prison over three decades ago; vocational ministry since 1978; who blogs about a perhaps-too-wide variety of subjects. Check it out at http://www.midlandjack.blogspot.com
Sounds like one I need to check out. Love it. Thanks
Ron, Thanks for the opportunity. My blog is http://www.thindifference.com. We dance on life’s edge with the choices we make, each taking us in intended and unintended directions. Thin Difference explores and encourages us to grab ahold of our lives and actively lead them with choices that light us up inside and inspire those all around. Thanks for the opportunity, and I enjoy your insights and writings! Jon
Thanks Jon for sharing. I like your theme!
Thank you Ron. Great blog. I write at http://www.timpeters.org on leadership, branding, marketing and technology. I am passionate about using these creative solutions to help organizations grow.
Thanks Tim. I like your work.
Thanks Ron for this opportunity-this shows the heart of a generous leader. My blog is simply called Gary Runn and attempts to offer thoughtful and practical help on spiritual leadership. My passion is to help leaders lead well. Here is my link: http://garyrunn.wordpress.com/
Thanks Gary. I'll check it out.
Life can often present us with circumstances we never anticipated. The unfortunate truth is that we all have to navigate these difficult seasons with little understanding, not much experience, and a willingness to learn more about ourselves than we wanted to know.
I offer you only my story; walk with me…
Sounds very cool. Thanks.
Thanks for the space. My blog seems random or maybe not but it is all posted through the lens of who I am and the journey I am on. You can find me on Twitter, G+ and Facebook. Blessings everyone. http://singlemamma4god.blogspot.com/2011/08/confi…
I like random. Thanks
Thanks for the offer – happy to participate! Will check out some other commenters over the weekend. This is a fun game.
Hi Ron,
I first discovered you on twitter and have enjoyed a number of your posts in the past. I appreciate your willingness to give others like myself the opportunity to contact you in this way. You can find my blog at http://thegloryofthegrind.wordpress.com. I write on successful Christian living, Christ-Centered Ministry, the Church and Vocation. I'd love to have you stop by and give a read.
Hi Ron,
I first discovered you on twitter and have enjoyed a number of your posts in the past. I appreciate your willingness to give others like myself the opportunity to contact you in this way. You can find my blog at http://thegloryofthegrind.wordpress.com. I write on successful Christian living, Christ-Centered Ministry, the Church and Vocation. I'd love to have you stop by and give a read.
A blog for youth pastors, youth workers, and Young Life leaders: http://www.YoungLifeLeaderBlog.com
Love it. Thanks.
I give a pastor's answers to questions about practical Christian living at http://pastormarkhaines.wordpress.com/
Very much needed. Thanks
Dale, let's try it this way http://www.daleaceron.com and http://www.numberofways.wordpress.com
Funny! I was looking for some new blogs to follow which is how I stumbled on yours!
Here's hoping you'll have time to check out my blog. I will say my latest post was actually inspired by one of yours.
Can't wait to check out all of these blogs. I am a professional organizer in TN and on a task force to start an orphan ministry at our church. We sold our house and downsized in half this year. I write about how we are simplifying life and orphans and travel at http://tannaclark.com
I love this story. Thanks.
I am a Connections Pastor in Milledgeville, Georgia and have been blogging for a few years-much more consistently lately as I work to develop the discipline of writing. My blog is at http://www.craigportwood.blogspot.com.
I write "RenaissanceRules" at http://www.renaissancerules.wordpress.com , about Ethics, Leadership, Art, Architecture & Urban Design, Human and Natural Environments, Venice Italy, related Book, Restaurant and Winery Reviews as well as whatever suits my fancy or piques my interest at the time. The basis of the title is my massive project addressing steps to move ahead with life: Recapitulation, Reformation, Renewal, Renaissance! I hope you will take a look. Today's post is "Tough Art" for Society's Collective Memory. Breslin. Do you remember it? This exhibition captures portraits of those who cannot forget, and neither can we afford forgetting: http://wp.me/pVUDj-1o6 . Thanks!
Thanks. I will take a look.
I write about family (w/6 kids, I have a lot of material!), faith, marriage (and marriage enrichment) and home education (specifically starting to focus on leadership education).
Thanks for your leadership and marriage posts and tweets! http://www.kelanellums.com
Twitter: _thomasmason
Ron, how cool for you to do this. My new blog is at http://thomas-mason.me. It is named "reinvent" and it's about reinventing, or starting anew, a life that's been messed up.
I love the concept
I write a blog called "a blog". I write about the various curiosities with which I am current infatuated with. The topics are wide and varying but I try to add a little bit of value and humor each post. http://paulcahill.net
Pretty excited about checking out all the folks that added their blogs here as well.
Sounds interesting. Thank you.
I write at http://ryanhaack.com. I'm a husband, father, pastor and writer. Oh, and I have one hand. My goal is to get people to think about everyday faith and to help my readers realize they are valuable and important and loved. Thanks for the opportunity, Ron!
Thank you got sharing.
Hi Ron. Like many here, your insights and your blog has inspired me to start writing. In fact I just started another just last night and I am very excited about it and about being to share them here:
Personal – <a href="http://www.daleaceron.com” target=”_blank”>www.daleaceron.com Here I started to blog mainly about a missions trip, relationships, faith and tech. Someone once told me to be exclusive to something and I am still trying to figure out what that one thing is because I enjoy writing about many things.
Secondary- <a href="http://www.numberofways.wordpress.com” target=”_blank”>www.numberofways.wordpress.com This one is inspired by mainly because I read that people, including myself, read "lists" so I decided to start a blog around it. The title of each post will be "# of ways to _______". I love helping people and that's why I am SO excited about this one.
Thanks for allowing us to market our blogs on your platform Pastor Ron!
That's awesome. Thank you.
Hi Ron, How can I edit my post? The 2 links don't seem to be working.
Thanks again!
Send me the correct one and I'll try when I'm at my computer. You should be able to though through intense debate.
daleaceron.com and numberofways.wordpress.com
Great thanks so much Ron!
My Mess…His Success is all about God's grace to our family. I share book reviews for both children and adults and write about the lessons God teaches our family through everyday faith. The blog has a laundry theme because well, with 7 kiddos, there is a lot of relation between life and dirty clothes.
We have a funny stuff story-telling section about baby poop and all the other fun stuff little ones bring on. Thankfully, God cleans all of us up if we allow Him! Hope you'll stop by! http://rachelwojnarowski.wordpress.com
Looks great. Thanks.
Ron, I LOVE that you do this! Thanks so much. I have a daily prayer blog (bobhostetler.blogspot.com) and the "Desperate Pastor" blog (desperatepastor.blogspot.com). I'd love to have you and your readers check them out.
Thank you for sharing. Love this idea.
Hi Ron, thanks so much for all that you contribute. In fact, you're one of the reasons I was inspired to start writing myself. I'm honored to be serving as the Creative / Media Arts Director at a large church in Buffalo. I write mostly about the church and creativity. My most recent post is an article titled "4 Large Churches Trade Pastors and Worship Teams". Yes, it's different. But we're so excited to see God move.
Thanks for the opportunity to share, but even more so thanks for all that you share. Your posts are encouraging and inspiring. http://www.michaeljamesmerrill.com
http://levittmike.wordpress.com is where I blog. Have a blessed weekend everyone!
Thanks man!
Thank you Ron for sharing your platform with all of us and thanks especially for the content share which continues to challenge me to lead well in the home and the work place.
My blog, Leveraging Life is the exchange of life lessons as viewed through the lens of Faith with the hope that those lessons can be leveraged for the good of others. http://tommartinatl.com/
Some key topic points: Faith, Leading Well, Battling Cancer, Overcoming Adversity, learning to trust God period in all things.
Thanks again!!
Thanks for the chance to share, Ron!
I blog at churchthought.com primarily on church leadership and doing ministry well. I am a bit of a systems geek, so there is some of that thrown in, and a weekly post aimed at church finances. I typically post something new five times a week.
Thanks for letting me share, and for all that you share with us here!
Good domain name. Thanks.
Hi Ron! My blog is relatively new and is at http://fryjason.blogspot.com. I've been writing most recently about networking and job hunting. Thanks for the opportunity to promote it here!
Thanks for sharing! Best wishes blogging
I’m a young leader “learning to lead”. People can watch me learn over at http://www.marksremarks.org. Thanks for leading many of us Ron!
Hey Ron, what a great idea! I'm a leadership coach and team dynamics expert working primarily with high-capacity Christian leaders and their teams. I write a lot about how life transformation happens–both on the personal and organizational level–and give practical next steps for leaders looking to grow personally as well as create a culture of transformation in their organization or faith community. Most of my posts are inspired directly out of my work with Christian leaders.
You can find me at http://www.michaelwarden.com .
Love it. Thanks!
Hello Ron, I love your blog post. They are focused and timely for Pastors like me. I write a new post for East Texas Dream Center. The post will focus on achieving your dreams, helping others, serving, etc. The url is http://etdreamcenter.com/etdc-blog/blog.html
Blessings to you Sir,
Thomas McDaniels
It’s nothing fancy, I don’t post like every day, but there are times when I feel I have something to share and just toss it out there in the blogosphere.
Hi, Ron
Interesting – my first response was "Why would I need permission to brag? A little paradoxical, ain't it?":)
However, we humans do often need some type of permission, so here goes:
The Strategic Learner ~ my primary blog for longer posts on learning leadership, and human behavior. Find this one at http://strategiclearner.wordpress.com/
Strategic Learning Today ~ my Tumblr blog for short and "sweet" posts on a wider range of topics. It's at http://strategiclearner.tumblr.com/.
Thanks for doing this and for your consistently interesting and refreshing posts on leadership and life – you are one of my daily pleasures:)
Great list. Thank you!
My blog is called On The Brink of Something Large and you can find it here http://j4man.wordpress.comnn
Today I write about the fact that – I forgot God.
Good titles. Thanks for sharing.
Love your blog Jim.
Hi Ron, I see you quite a bit over on Michael Hyatt's blog. I enjoy your feedback. Thanks for allowing us to share.
I blog about personal development over at http://successbeginstoday.org/wordpress
We have a lot of free downloads and helpful information about time management, productivity, goal setting and technology. Stop by and make your day more productive.
Thanks for sharing. Love Michael Hyatt and his blog
Twitter: Chuckmuselwite
My blog is at http://chuckmusselwhite.com. I take scripture and make daily application to life. Currently working thru 1 Thessalonians. My hope is to encourage people not just to be hearers of God’s word but doers.
Enjoy your posts. Thanks for sharing my blog at http://www.dickevans.org. My wife and I are healing evangelists ready to go wherever the Lord leads…
Twitter: learning2hear
Hello Ron! I’ve been enjoying your posts and Tweets for quite some time. My blog Learning2Hear is where I write about what I learn from reading and studying the Bible, life’s challenges, and random thoughts or quotes. I’m learning to hear from God in not only the big issues like my battle with cancer, but also in my everyday following Jesus life.
Thanks Ron. My blog is http://www.waylonbailey.com. I write on Pastoral Leadership and Christian Living. Yesterday's post: "What Will Happen When I Die?"
Thanks for doing this Ron. I’m Jeff Mc Clung and write at a blog at http://jeffmcclung.com/ (clever, right?). I’m a Kid’s Pastor and I write tales, tips, and tools from the trenches of kids ministry to help NextGen leaders help kids love Jesus and win at life. I also write about leadership, social media, faith, and humor. I hope you’ll take a few minutes to check it out.
I maintain a leadereship blog for all, but dedicated to helping members of the Masonic Fraternity become better leaders and inspire them to live a life than serves their God, their neighbors, themselves and their families. It can be found at: http://www.masonicleader.com
Thanks for sharing.
I love being a writer and have just had my first Bible study, We Are IN, published. My blog is at http://www.thewholereport.com. I hope you will check it out and let me know what you think. Thanks for the opportunity to share!
Thanks for sharing
Really enjoy your blog which I discovered recently. I write to encourage and share the stuff I find, read, listen to and experience. It's my public filing cabinet. Hope http://www.cookiesdays.blogspot.com/ may be a blessing to you.
Michael Perkins
I hand-write posts about faith and creativity.
Thanks. Love your work.
I love this!
Thanks for inspriing!
Thanks, Ron. I encourage people by helping them view life from God's perspective. I also write on leadership and share my interest in cars. Today, I wrote about Billy Graham and the Modesto Manifesto. I serve as the Senior Pastor of Spanish River Church in Boca Raton, Florida. http://tommykiedis.com/
I write at http://www.joannamuses.com/ . Lately I've been writing about things like how to deal with disappointment, how we know God loves us and what I've learned from reading Jonah and Habakkuk.
Thanks for sharing!
No problem. I would greatly appreciate your input! — Jason