I love being a dad. I really do. It’s one of my favorite things about life.
Here are 12 reasons:
- I get to cheer from the sidelines…
- I get to see my legacy live through others…
- I get to keep growing so they can watch me grow…
- I get to watch boys become men…
- I get to share wisdom and experience…
- I get to be two boy’s biggest fan…
- I get to share stories with others about my boys…
- I get to receive encouragement to stay young-minded…
- I get to anticipate daily texts, emails, and phone calls…(or iChats…)
- I get to enjoy my new daughter (Thanks for marrying Jeremy! Let’s update the family pic!…)
- I get to be continually challenged as I learn from my boys…
- I get to point my boys to Christ…
Add to this post:
Any dads out there today? What do you like about being one?
Are you missing your dad today? What’s one great thing about him?
Have you thanked your Heavenly dad today? What’s one thing you’re thankful for?
Happy Father’s Day!
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I get the unspeakable privilege and challenge of being the most important influence in the lives of two young women and one young man.
I get soft kisses from my young daughter.
Awesome. Missed having a daughter