I received an email from an Internet friend via my other ministry site (www.mustardseedministry.com) asking me how I determine if what I am doing is within the plans God has for me. Here’s my quick reply to him for knowing you are within God’s plans for your life:
1. Does what you are doing (or planning to do) conflict with Scripture?
God’s will never will.
2. Does what you are doing conflict with the counsel of others?
God uses others to confirm His will. (Don’t be confused though, because sometimes God calls us to go against the grain of life and walk by faith when everyone is saying we are crazy. See Noah about that one.)
3. Does what you are doing conflict with the spirit within you?
God has sent His Holy Spirit as a helper. He will guide us with an inner peace or a holy unrest.
4. Does what you are doing conflict with your life experience?
God uses our experiences in life to teach us and mold us to His will. Again, don’t be confused, because He usually stretches us out of our comfort zone also.
5. Does what you are doing conflict with your passion for life?
God tends to work with the things that fuel our fire. He loves when we are energized for the tasks He calls us to.
Try those 5 together and see how they line up with your plans.
I just have to tell you that I have been praying about starting my own little business~I was able to answer all those questions with a clear conscience. I am so happy to read this. I feel like everything is coming together a little at a time. Thank you so much for posting this.
.-= Nan´s last blog ..Excited About Baking =-.
AWESOME AWESOME AWESOME Post! I’m going to have to leave this on my fridge. Teri is right… kinda humbling!
Sometimes the plan doesn’t seem to “work out”, then down the road you’ll see that the plan wasn’t *for* you after all… that God was letting you work with Him on a project.
Kinda humbling after you’ve been whining about something not working out…
Great post.
Commonsense advice for Christians. I think you’ve distilled whole books into 5 helpful points. Thanks and I will pass on.