In a June post I asked the question “What is God Up To with Youth Today?” This morning I received an email from a friend’s son. This 22 year old recent college graduate is seeking our church as a prayer partner for his mission work over the next two years. He is going to be a Journeyman with the International Mission Board. He couldn’t tell me exactly where he would be for security reasons; just that it was in Asian countries in areas that are unfriendly to the Gospel.
Reading his email this morning made me think. Would I be willing to step out by faith into an area where I know I’m going to face opposition and possibly danger? Will I follow God’s leadings in my call to ministry wherever the call leads? Will I give up personal comforts and safety to attempt to reach people who may not even want to be reached? Probably more importantly to where I am called today, am I willing to be obedient to God’s voice in my life, here in my city, even on the days where there seems to be more obstacles than opportunities?
I’m very thankful for the passion of today’s youth willing to boldly go where God is moving. You challenge me!
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