Here’s a fun way to tell you about a cool app or two…
What would you name this guy? I created him with my Touch Board application on iPad. I use this application to illustrate when I’m meeting with a few people or less and want to draw out what I’m trying to say.
If you are an iPad user, here are some of my other favorite apps:
Evernote (I wrote about it HERE.)
YouVersion – The absolute best Bible application there is…period! I love the Tweet and Facebook share features.
World Factbook – I love culture and missions…this application helps me learn about different countries.
Amazon Kindle – I’m reading most of my books this way now. I love carrying all my books with me at the same time.
What are some of your favorite iPad…or iPhone applications? ….And don’t forget to help me name this guy…he needs a name!
Frank. His name is Frank. He had a name badge but it fell off
Ha! His name tag fell off…a likely story…
I like Olivetree over Youversion for bible on iPad. (i prefer youversion on blackberry.)
Get netflix app if you have netflix. Only game I play is Words with Friends. I like Reeder as my RSS and other official twitter app as my twitter client. I use the free version of tripip to track my flights and rental cars. Dropbox is my prefered way of accessing files. Goodreader is a very good file reader (basic file management as well) I use Maxivista (if you have windows) to extend my computer screen onto the ipad. Great when I travel and am working. I also am a big audiobook fan. Audible has a decent iphone app that works on ipad and if your local library supports it, overdrive allows you to checkout ebooks (epub) and audiobooks. I have not used the ebooks because I prefer reading on my kindle. But I use the audiobooks.
Not familiar with Olivetree, but will check it out… I've not tried Goodreader Thanks!
Dex or Dexter for the name. I think it's the glasses.
Pandora, Evernote, Instapaper, Kindle and iBooks, Twitter or Osfoora. I like writing on Evernote and reading in Instapaper. I prefer to do my Bible reading with YouVersion. I have a bunch more I could list, but I'll keep it short
I like Dex or Dexter. Not familiar with Instapaper or Osfoora
Thanks Tom!
Second one to suggest Pulse. I'm not familiar with it, so I'll have to check it out. I do like the TED app. Don't go to it as often as I want to…good stuff…
Clyde…two votes…
Now on to the matter at hand, naming your guy… Might as well tie into something visual since that's your app. Could be shape related like "Blobbert" or function related like "Scripto or Scribo or Flobo" or cutesy unrelated – "Monty" or modern minimalist – Mr. White –
Ha! I like those names…
Ron-tar should be his name. I don't have an Iphone or Ipad, but I do have the color nook.
Tar? Wouldn't have thought of that….Sounds cool…
Ron-tar. My friend used to call all cartoon characters ron-tar for some unknown reason.
That's funny
I love YouVersion too, Ron – but have you found the concordance (search) hard to use? Maybe I'm not doing it right, but that part of the application returns a lot of irrelevant stuff when you are looking for something specific? Love to hear your input.
Concordance on the iphone is harder…I do use it…just experimented with the word "obedience" for example, but if I'm really doing research then I'm going to work on my laptop or still with a paper book/Bible…
Okay. Thank you. That's exactly what I do; I was wondering if you had a solution for that on mobile. I'm on droid x.
He looks like a James MacDonald. Or a Paul.
I agree about the Kindle app. My other iPad favorites are Pulse, Dropbox, Evernote, and All Recipes (I know, kind of random).
Cool names. Thanks Andrew. I'm not familiar with some of those apps…I'll check them out.
Oops forgot the name, I think Tom has it on the money… Clyde.
My favorite apps are Pandora, Pulse (which allows me to group all the blogs I follow together in one reader app), then there is Aweditorium which is something else (though some of the songs I could do without!), and I just downloaded the TED app which enables me to save my favorite TED presentations off line.
He looks like a Clyde