Congratulations to today’s winners:
Craig Dale
Chad Hunt
Kelly Vansell
Over 15 years ago, I started writing an Internet devotional, which was emailed daily to subscribers. This year I decided to collect a year’s worth and put them in a book. Mustard Seed Thoughts are short, easy-to-read and practical. In each devotional, I share personal life stories as they relate to the stories and truths from the Bible.
If you need a devotional book, or know someone who does, here’s your chance to win one. Today I will give away 3 copies of Mustard Seed Thoughts.
To enter today’s Free Fridays:
1. Comment on this post.
2. Make sure I have your correct name and/or Twitter name.
3. Twitter Rt’s are appreciated, but not required.
After 10 PM (CST) I will select three (3) winners using I will attempt to contact you by email, but check back on this post, as I will update the blog after winners are selected.
Just curious, what is a devotional that has helped you? How do you do your Bible study/quiet times?
I take my cup of tea, Bible, Devotional from church, and journal to the patio every morning to meditate. I journal my devotions and have published a meditation book for church secretaries. I like reading someone else's devotional books to inspire me. Thanks for taking the lead in this ministry so many years ago!
That's a good plan!! Thanks Linda
Love doing a lunch devotional!
Our church buys Journey for the women and Stand Firm for the men. Hubby and I both love them.
very cool!
Can I buy this on Amazon? One of my favorite devotionals is Joyce Meyer's "Starting Your Day Right" Other than that, I just read the bible. Years ago, I did go through Oswald Chambers' "My Utmost for His Highest" My handle on Twitter is @LaurindaB
The link in the post where the name is takes you to Amazon to purchase it. Or just search Mustard Seed Thoughts at Amazon. Thanks
Have been drifting so far this year, haven’t found a good rhythm. But God faithfully shows up in my day even when I don’t faithfully keep my dates with him. I want to get back into that – I hate to use the word “routine”, it seems to imply drudgery. Not out of guilt or obligation, but because I want to be as faithful to him as he has been to me. Twitter and internet access on my phone has actually been really helpful.
Our church buys Journey for the women and Stand Firm for the men. Hubby and I both love them.
Hi Ron,
The Upper Room, in Portuguese (I'm in Brazil), is my daily devotional. Seems to me that your Mustard Seed Thoughts has the same text organization. Congratulations and keep blessing us with your blog and books.
I would love a copy of your devotion. I read through the Bible e dry year and try to sample different authors devotionals.
I know of a few people I would like to share your words with. Thanks.
Twitter name HisFireFly
I enjoy Proverbs 31. They do a daily internet devotional sent through e-mail. Convenient, direct, and applicable to a woman’s life. Thanks for this opportunity, Ron. I’d love to read your devotionals.
My email inputed.
Great contest! Free devotional book: Mustard Seed Thoughts by Ron Edmondson.
send it on!
My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers has been my mainstay for going into my 20th year. I still marvel at how each day is still a fresh look at "where is my relationship to Christ?" – My Bible study time is fairly erratic but regular none the less. My quiet time is in meditation of it all.
I would really love to get this devotional book as a fresh resource. I have tried a lot of them over the years, this one looks to be one I could use for many years.. Thanks Pastor Ron
I feel a little selfish since I won recently, but just a little… cause I really want it
I would love a copy! Thoughts from the Diary of a Desperate Man by Walter Henrichsen is absolutely brilliant!!!
Thanks for the opportunity! I've been using the classic — My Utmost For His Highest.
Haven't been doing the daily devotionals as much as I used to do–this could get me jump started again! Thanks for the opportunity, Ron!
I use Jack Hayford’s devotion…but this looks like something new that I could start.
Here is my entry….will Tweet as well
Cool beans! Hope i win
Just finished a study on Ruth and am looking for my "What's next?" Thanks for the giveaway, Ron!
~ @AymieJoi
I'd love to give Mustard Seed Thoughts A Daily Devos a try….
Pick me!
@kwdumas thinks it would be way cool to win something…. blessings
I'm getting married in two weeks and I've been looking for a great devotional for us to use together daily. Maybe this is it!!
Sounds like a great devotional to pair with the summer. Thanks for being generous.
@sbordewyk Would love a copy of your devotional. I always glean something new from My Utmost for His Highest, but have been reading through the Bible this year. I'm using The MacArthur Daily Bible w/ notes and typically do my reading in the evening when I am less distracted.
Yeah, I'd like one copy Please.
Like John, I have the Experiencing God Devotional and I keep it here at work. Need to read it more.
twitter dljordaneku
I love devotional books. Just puts you in a good mood, and gives me something to think about during the day
Cool stuff. Hope to get a copy.
Sounds great!
Pick me pick me
I have found two devotionals that are very good. One is Experiencing God Day by Day by the Blackaby's. The devotional is a part of their Experiencing God Program which includes a very good Bible study. I read it every day on my iPhone, although it's also available in regular book form.
The other is from Gary Thomas and is based on his book "Sacred Marriage". Anyone who wants to enhance their marriage or get a handle on one that's failing should read this book and devotional. The devotional is supposed to be read once per week over 52 weeks, but I have just read it as an inspirational book and have gotten much out of it.
Jon Yiesla
I would love a copy. I always look forward to see what book you are giving away on Friday.
Hi there Ron,
I am in the UK. Is that going to be a problem if I am randomly selected? My twitter address is @slowlearner33
Many thanks